NWC36 Spot-the-Poster Contest!
Did you spot a poster (as seen to the right) or flyer (as seen on this page) for Norwescon 36 in the wild? Let us know where, and you could win one of only 250 special badge ribbons for your Norwescon 36 badge!
Poster locations eligible for this contest are in Seattle, the eastside, and Tacoma and are managed by Keep Posted. If you see a poster display in another location that includes our Norwescon poster please submit that information too. Alternate locations will be eligible for a reward if all 250 Keep Posted locations are not found.
Read MoreNWC36 Flyers
Want to help promote Norwescon around your neighborhood, at your job, or anywhere else you can (legally) post a notice? We posted web banners not too long ago, but if you’d like to spread the word to people in the analog world, we’ve just posted color and black-and-white versions of our promotional flyer! Just click on either image below to download a printable .pdf file.
At NWC36: Viscera
Coming up at Norwescon 36: Viscera
(Saturday, 10pm-Midnight, Cascade 13)
Viscera, a non-profit devoted to expanding opportunities for women filmmakers in the contemporary genre, presents a selection of horror films. 17+ only, some content rated R.
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Charity Donations Requested
The charities office is seeking donations for the upcoming arts/charities auction for Norwescon 36. If you have one or more items that are in good condition that you believe are of interest to people in the science fiction/fantasy community — that is to say you believe people would not only like to own but would be willing to part with actual money to purchase — please contact Phillip Buff via email at charities@norwescon.org with a description of the item(s) (photos appreciated if available).
At Con Volunteers
Norwescon runs on volunteers — without them there would be no convention. As such, everybody is encouraged to volunteer at the convention for a few hours. There are many things that you can volunteer for that still let you attend certain events. As a bonus, volunteers who have helped at any time during the con have early entry into the Masquerade; may attend a special event arranged for them; are invited to a post-con party during the summer; may be entered in drawings for special gifts; and receive tokens to show our appreciation. Go to the Volunteer Table in the convention lobby or the Volunteer Office and sign up for a shift (or two, or three, or four, or five).