
Advertising at Norwescon

Program Book Ad Rates

The Norwescon Program Book is distributed to 3,000+ members during the convention each year.

For Norwescon 36, our advertising rates are:
Full Page7¼ × 10 or 8½ × 11$400
Half Page7¼ × 5 or 3½ × 10$200
Quarter Page3½ × 5 or 2¼ × 7½$100
Business Card3½ × 2½ or 2½ × 3$50
Ad submissions for Norwescon 36 (2013) are now closed.

If you are interested in advertising in the Norwescon 37 (2014) souvenir/program book, rate information is expected to be available in September with payment and copy due in January 2014.

Copy and payment are due no later than January 31, 2013. Electronic submission as a pdf or high-resolution graphic file is preferred. Please contact our [publications department][1] to submit your ad copy/artwork. [1]: “Contact Norwescon Publications” Ready to secure ad space?
If you pay for space but do not submit acceptable ad copy **before January 31, 2013**, your ad will not be included in the Norwescon 36 Souvenir book.

Swag Bag Advertising

Swag bags are distributed to our attendees when they pick up their badges. To place fliers or promotional items in the bags, items must be of interest to our membership (for example, having to do with science fiction, fantasy, science, or other areas of fan life). The Norwescon Chair has final say as to what can be included. Information on how to submit swag for the Norwescon 37 swag bags will be posted in the spring 2014.

Bags will be assembled [on Sunday, March 24th, 2013][stuff], and items can either be hand delivered to the hotel on that date or sent to Norwescon at least one week before bag assembly. Any submissions must be delivered to Norwescon by March 15, 2013. Please contact us in advance if the shipment will be 200 lbs. or more. [stuff]: /2013/02/06/youre-invited-to-a-party/ “Norwescon: You’re Invited to a Party!” For more details, please see the [Norwescon 36 stuffing party announcement][stuff].