
The NWC34 Volunteer Appreciation Picnic


Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers. Each year, over 250 people generously give of their time in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its members and participants.

Volunteers are the backbone of the convention, from those of us who donate our time year round to those of you who lend a much needed helping hand for a couple of hours at the convention. Whether that is watching the doors at the Masquerade, helping out at the Registration Desk, or manning the Cloak Closet, we need that help.

Not sure which area to volunteer in? Send a note to Volunteers through our contact page and let us know what you’re interested in, or just to ask what is needed. Or, feel free to attend one of our monthly ConCom (Convention Committee) meetings. We’re always happy to see new faces!

We now also have a handy website listing of open volunteer positions that you can browse. Just click on any of the position titles for more information and to find out who to contact to volunteer! Note: This list may not be all-inclusive, so please feel free to contact us even if nothing listed there catches your eye!

They say an army marches on its stomach. If this is true, then a Convention succeeds on an Army of Volunteers…or their stomachs…or sometimes both. Norwescon 35 needs YOU!

Volunteering is a great way to spend time between the events that you’ve come to see and sometimes gives you an early sneak peek at those events. Our volunteers enjoy privileges such as priority seating at the Masquerade, special autograph sessions with the guests of honor, fun prizes up to and including a free membership for Norwescon 36, and an open invitation to the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic in the summer.

The best part of volunteering, besides getting to know the wonderful people who work so hard to bring about the convention every year, is the knowledge that the convention was so great and fun because YOU helped make it happen!

We need lots of people with all sorts of skill sets throughout the convention weekend, starting with the Stuffing Party where all those goody bags are put together (a great chance for a sneak peek at what everyone will get!), through the Monday after when everything is packed up and the pizza arrives. Register as a Volunteer early by contacting us at, or simply come to our Volunteers Lounge during the convention and sign up!

Come and join the fun!

## Norwescon 35 Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

Our annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic comes this summer! Did you volunteer for Norwescon 35, either as ConCom or by stopping by Volunteers during the con? Then you’re invited! Are you interested in volunteering for Norwescon 36? Well, you’re invited too!

[R.S.V.P. on Facebook][2]Saturday, August 4th, 2012, Noon until 5pm, at North SeaTac Park (S 128th and 20th Avenue South, SeaTac, WA) — [Download a flyer here][3] (390KB .pdf)!

[2]: “R.S.V.P. on Facebook”
[3]: /documents/nwc_35/NWC35_Volunteer-Picnic-Flyer.pdf “Norwescon 35 VAP Flyer (390KB .pdf)”

Setup will begin around 11am, and the picnic proper will get underway about noon (or whenever the coals are ready). We will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken patties, and veggie patties, plus all the fixin’s. We’ll have water, soft drinks, chips, and other munches. You are welcome to bring desserts and sides.

Don’t forget to bring toys and games as well! And, of course, friends and family are welcome!

Norwescon 36 ConCom Meeting Dates

ConCom meetings are (usually) held on the second Saturday of the month, beginning in September.

Note: Meeting dates, times, and locations may be subject to change.

Meeting Times

  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 noon: Executive Team Meeting
  • 12:00 noon–1:00 p.m.: Lunch
  • 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.: Convention Committee (ConCom) Meeting

Meeting Place

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 Pacific Highway South
SeaTac, WA 98188

For directions and a map, please see the hotel’s website.

NOTE: There is a discounted charge of $8.00 for parking.

Please consult the hotel readerboard when you arrive for the location of the meeting room.

We’re always looking for more willing volunteers! Send a note to Volunteers through our contact page and join the Norwescon family!