


TableTopDayNorwescon 36 will offer tons of opportunities to get your game on! All weekend long, you can stop by Cascade 9 and 10 for Scheduled Gaming, or wander over to the Rotunda for Open Gaming or LARPing! We are also proud to be an official event site for International TableTopDay on Saturday, March 30th!

Scheduled Gaming

Scheduled Gaming will return to Norwescon 36 with your favorite tabletop, card, and miniature war games. We provide some of the earliest scheduled events at the convention, and keep going until the con doors close!

The Norwescon 36 Gaming Schedule is now live!

This year, we’ve split Scheduled Gaming into two sessions: Scheduled Gaming from 9 am–10 pm daily (except Thursday, when we kick things off at 1pm), and Uncensored Scheduled Gaming from 10 pm–1 am nightly!

Scheduled Gaming
9 am–10 pm daily (Opens at 1 pm on Thursday)
Cascade 9&10

Need to unwind and slay a dragon? Cast a spell? Become the Lord of Catan? Come check out what people are playing in Scheduled Gaming! We have a wide variety of games you can sign up to play. We have many people hosting games to help you enjoy your time at Norwescon. Also, maybe you’re looking to learn a new game? Bring your game and schedule a spot, or drop in to make new friends. Specific games can be found on the electronic schedule and on Twitter. NOTE: Scheduled Gaming continues from 10 pm to 1 am as “Uncensored Scheduled Gaming.”

Uncensored Scheduled Gaming
10 pm–1 am nightly
Cascade 9&10

Want to enjoy a friendly game without the need to censor yourself because of the children around? Scheduled Gaming put aside special hours just for you then! We have set aside the nightly hours for playing without worrying about the younger folks learning our friendly gaming skills. Players are required to be 18+ and may be carded.

Run A Game

We’re now close enough to the convention that we have stopped accepting scheduling requests. Of course, we will keep some space open for drop-in registration at the con; registration forms will be available at scheduled gaming.

**Note:** The closer we get to the convention, the more space for new games gets limited. We’re still accepting scheduling requests, but at this point we can make no guarantees for space. Will will keep some space open for drop-in registration at the con; registration forms will be available at scheduled gaming. As always, if space allows, you’re welcome to come in and play any of the pickup games in our Gaming Library, or start a game with your friends. If you want to run a card or board game (or many), please [fill out this registration form][gmreg]. We have upgraded GM status this year for those who qualify by signing up early. Pre-Norwescon 36 game registration will end March 9th, 2013, so get your games registered soon! If you miss out on registering your game, don’t fret, you can still come to the Scheduled Gaming room and schedule games in person during the convention. If you want us to run a game, please [contact us][cse]. We are happy to hear from both individuals and game companies wishing to present their products through demos or regular games. We’re also looking for people willing to help out in the Scheduled Gaming room! This is a great way to volunteer with Norwescon. Please [drop us a line][cse] to let us know you’re interested. [gmreg]: scheduled-gaming-gm-registration/ “Scheduled Gaming: GM Registration” [cse]: /about/contact-info/?target_dept=Special%20Events “About Norwescon: Contact Info” ### Upgraded Game Masters We want to give those of you who put in dedicated time to plan and run games special recognition. Those Game Masters who sign up to host 12 hours of games will be granted the special status of Pro Game Master. This means that you will have access to everything a normal Norwescon Pro has.

Games Already Scheduled

We are excited to let you all know we have over 350 hours already scheduled for games! D&D 3/4/Next, Settlers, Call of Cthulhu, and Pathfinder to name just a few. We also have two Kickstarter Games to try out: Cheapass Games and Game Smiths LLC. Hurry and get your game scheduled now!

Donations for the Game Room

We are accepting charitable donations for the game room to be used for the Norwescon Scheduled Gaming Library and of course, door prizes. Those who donate will be recognized in the Scheduled Gaming Room. as well as in some of the Scheduled Gaming Advertisements this year. Contact Norwescon charities to donate (and make note that your donation is for Scheduled Gaming).

Open Gaming

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by Open Gaming and play for a few. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends or new and play…no sign up sheet required.


Nightfall and Divinty LARP
Mythic Reality Player’s Association
Friday, 5 pm–midnight
Rotunda 1

Do you like live action role play? Do you still love playing vampires? Are you intrigued by the idea of playing a fallen angel? Well look no further, because this is the game for you! This reboot of a game that was wildly popular over a decade ago, is blowing up with new found fervor! Many of the old players are here and many new ones as well, but we would like to see what you can bring to the table.

Nightfall and Divinity LARP
Mythic Reality Player’s Association
Saturday, 5 pm–Midnight
Rotunda 1

Do you like live action role play? Do you still love playing vampires? Are you intrigued by the idea of playing a fallen angel? Well look no further, because this is the game for you! This reboot of a game that was wildly popular over a decade ago, is blowing up with new found fervor! Many of the old players are here and many new ones as well, but we would like to see what you can bring to the table.

Nightfall and Divinity LARP
Mythic Reality Player’s Association
Sunday, 1pm–4 pm
Rotunda 1

Do you like live action role play? Do you still love playing vampires? Are you intrigued by the idea of playing a fallen angel? Well look no further, because this is the game for you! This reboot of a game that was wildly popular over a decade ago, is blowing up with new found fervor! Many of the old players are here and many new ones as well, but we would like to see what you can bring to the table.

More details will be posted as we get closer to convention weekend. In the meantime, send your suggestions to Special Events through our [contact page][cse]!