NWC37 Poster

This year’s poster for Norwescon 37 is now available in downloadable .pdf format, sized for 8.5×11 paper and ready to print out and post wherever you want. Well, in legal spaces, of course. 😉

Badge Ribbons

Badge ribbons: Collect the whole set! Of course, they need to be ordered before they can be handed out and attached to badges. Here’s how to do that!

Staff T-Shirts

Looking forward to getting your Norwescon Staff T-Shirt? Here’s the skinny on how to get yours!

Norwescon Documentation

Norwescon agendas, meeting minutes, policies, and the current organizational chart are all available through Google Drive. Here’s how to find and work with our documentation.

Employer Matching

One of the more exciting avenues now open to us due to our 501(c)(3) status is access to employer matching programs. Here is more information on this program and how you can sign up to support Norwescon!

A Guide to Norwescon’s Organizational Chart

During the registration process, staff are asked the following questions: 1. May Norwescon publish your contact information in the org chart? 2. May Norwescon publish your name in the program book? But what do these questions MEAN?