Ways to Donate

Norwescon’s primary purpose is to promote science fiction, fantasy, and science through the written word, art, and educational programming. This promotion occurs through the holding of a yearly convention, open to the public, with the opportunity to hear noted writers, scientists, and educators speak on various aspects of the fields of science fiction, fantasy, and science. The yearly convention also provides participants the opportunity to engage in panel discussions, attend lectures, peruse an art exhibit, and peruse displays relating to science fiction, fantasy, and science.

Things We Need

Right now, we’re not searching for anything in particular. However, we’re always interested in donations of SF/F-related items for our Sunday Charity Auction. If you have items that you would like to donate to Norwescon, please contact charities@norwescon.org. Someone will respond to you with details about how to coordinate your donation and provide you a receipt for your tax deductible donation.

Amazon Smile

Amazon offers a program where you can do your normal shopping through this link and raise money for Norwescon. You can also set your Amazon settings to go shop through the Amazon smile site and set Norwescon as your charity.

Employer Matching

Your employer may match your contributions or provide compensation for your volunteer time. Please consider contacting your human resources coordinator to see about your employer match program. If setting up your account, please use business@norwescon.org as the contact point with Norwescon. Norwescon is also a participant in the WA State Combined Fund Drive for anyone who wishes to contribute to us through that.


If you represent a business looking for a sponsorship opportunity at our convention, please contact chair@norwescon.org to begin discussing possibilities.