Sunday Schedule

What follows is a listing of all panels and events planned for Sunday, April 9th.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here, or jump directly to ThursdayFriday, or Saturday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. Last updated Apr 9, 2023 @ 9:58 am.

9 a.m. PDT (Noon EDT / 4 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemBIPOC Lounge
Cascade 4
9 a.m.–3 p.m.

A dedicated place for BIPOC and AAPI members of the Norwescon community to gather, rest, and refresh.

BIPOC=Black, Indigenous and People of Color. AAPI=Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Link to this itemMorning Tai Chi
Grand 2
9 a.m.–10 a.m.
Join author and martial artist Steven Barnes in this hour of gentle Chinese exercise, suitable for all fitness and experience levels. Wear loose clothes!
Steven Barnes (M)
Link to this itemEaster Craft Activity: Make Your Own Basket and Fill It With Treats!
Olympic 1
9–11 a.m.
Join us for an Easter morning craft activity! Make your own Easter basket and then fill it with treats and other goodies. Open to youth, tweens, and teens.
Jenny Shafer (M)

10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Brenda Carre
Cascade 3
10–10:30 a.m.
Gret of Roon. In this adventure-fantasy, the young corsair witch is enlisted by telepathic ghost dragons and an enigmatic revenant to end a 1,000-year war against demons. Rated G.
Brenda Carre (M)
Link to this itemOnce Upon a Different Time
Cascade 5 & 6
10–11 a.m.
Fairy tales are constantly being recycled for new audiences with new angles. What have been the trends in these retellings, and what do they say about us? What can be gained by retellings? Why do we need fairy tales today? This panel will explore new titles and old favorites to add to your to-be-read pile.
Rhiannon/R.Z. Held (M), Eva L. Elasigue, Marie Bilodeau, Carol Berg
Link to this itemHow to Be a Real Ally
Cascade 7 & 8
10–11 a.m.
Being an ally means more than wearing a rainbow pin in June. In these difficult times LGBTQ+ youth are facing real pressures and dangers and need allyship more than ever. How can you create a safe, inclusive space and be a practical advocate? We share practical suggestions and get real.
Alan Bond (M), Sar Surmick, Steven Barnes
Link to this itemCyborgs and Purple Unicorns: Gender in Genre
Cascade 9
10–11 a.m.
How has science fiction influenced changes in gender perception and gender roles over the past half-century? How have these changes been reflected (well or not-so-well) in SF literature? As we look back to the work of writers such as Ursula K. Le Guin and John Varley, what can we say about their impact and that of their heirs, such as Shelley Jackson, Charlie Jane Anders, and Sunny Moraine, today?
Tom Whitmore (M), Maquel A. Jacob, William C. Tracy, Thursday
Link to this itemLestat and Louis: Up in a Tree
Cascade 10
10–11 a.m.
S-U-C-K-I-N-G? Anne Rice confirmed that her famous undead couple was obviously gay. But the 2022 adaptation of Interview with the Vampire makes this even more transparent, dramatic, and passionate. It also takes great liberties with the original material. What worked for you and what didn’t? Let’s dish.
Julie McGalliard (M), Crystal Lloyd, Luke Elliott, D.L. Solum
Link to this itemProblematic Faves
Cascade 11
10–11 a.m.
As social mores and our understanding of the people around us change, our favorite books, movies, people, and even tropes can start to feel uncomfortable. How do we deal with content that no longer seems appropriate or acceptable? Do we jettison these works, or is there a way to contextualize this content and enjoy it mindfully?
Kris “Pepper” Hambrick (M), Emily Leverett, Evan J. Peterson, Joseph Brassey
Link to this itemAll-Ages Open and Scheduled Games
Cascade 13
10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have role-playing games, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow, or the ones you bring yourselves. There will also be some scheduled games here. Do you need accommodation for a disability? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. Cascade 13 is on the second floor by the stairs in the lobby or off the tower elevator.
Link to this itemMasquerade Viewing and Debriefing
Evergreen 1 & 2
Missed the masquerade? Want to see what you missed while you were in the masquerade? Do you want to see it again? Come watch the masquerade video replay. When it is over, we will debrief.
Bri Orsborn (M)
Link to this itemReboot Your Myth
Evergreen 3 & 4
10–11 a.m.
It is an era of reboots and relaunches. Revisiting founding mythology has strong appeal. How do we explore our own family roots, or, more delicately, handle the myths of other cultures? Can we graft tall tales on this urban myth and thereby hack the ancient ancestors? Let’s discuss best practices and bold successes.
J Tullos Hennig (M), Ellis Bray, Benjamin Gorman, Erica L. Satifka
Link to this itemCreature Creation
Olympic 3
10–11 a.m.
Take your monster from the Monster Mash up or come discover an entirely new creature! This workshop will walk you through how to create a creature, and at the end, you’ll have one of your own to put in stories. For tweens and teens.
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Camden Rose, Larry Lewis, Sonja Thomas
Link to this itemAll-Ages Open Games
Maxi’s Ballroom
10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have role-playing games, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. There will be tables to play the games you bring or the ones you borrow. Do you need accommodation related to a disability? Please speak to our staff so we can be sure to meet your needs. Maxi’s Ballroom is located on the top floor of the tower.
Link to this itemAll-Ages Scheduled Games in the Salon
Maxi’s Salon
10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventures League, role-playing games, card games, and so much more! After scheduled games closes, this area is available for open games. Do you need accommodation related to a disability? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. The salon is located on the Maxi’s level (top floor) of the tower.
Link to this itemAll-Ages Scheduled Games in the Rotundas
Rotunda 1 & 2
10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventures League, role-playing games, card games, and so much more! After scheduled games closes, this area is available for open games. Do you need assistance related to a disability? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. The Rotundas are located down Concourse 1 or 2 on the first and second floors.

11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: William C. Tracy
Cascade 3
11–11:30 a.m.
A fleet of generational ships lands on a new world entirely covered by a sentient fungus. Rated PG.
William C. Tracy (M)
Link to this itemDisney Nature vs. the Real Thing
Cascade 5 & 6
Let us address ichneumonids, penguins, and cheetahs.
Charlotte Lewis Brown (M), Larry Lewis, Leigh Harlen, Colette Breshears
Link to this itemManaging Your Career During Social Crisis
Cascade 9
Remember lockdown? Election crisis? Wars and police actions? Look, there’s always something. Our panel of publishing professionals and pro artists share thoughts on how they kept their careers moving forward during uncertain times and how they maintained creative and professional energy for their work.
Jessie Kwak (M), Marie Bilodeau, Elliott Kay, Erin Wilcox, Michael Damian Thomas
Link to this itemVacations in Space
Cascade 10
Soon we’ll be able to get there. What will we do there? Authors and futurists have imagined people flying, dancing, gambling, swimming, and playing Lazer Tag in zero G. What can engineers deliver? Bring your own imagination!
David D. Levine (M), Dan Dubrick, Dr. Greg Dubos, Erica L. Satifka
Link to this itemMyths About Fan Fiction
Cascade 11 or Twitch logo Twitch
How many negative things have you heard people say about fan fiction? “It’s just Mary Sue self-indulgence.” “Only women write it.” “It’s all smut.” “It’s breaking the law!” “It isn’t ‘real’ writing!” Our panelists will critically examine various misconceptions about fan fiction and explore its value and the fascination that causes thousands to write it and thousands more to read it.
J Tullos Hennig (M), Berlynn Wohl, Mimi Noyes
Link to this itemWriting Workshops
Cascade 12
Experienced writers discuss what workshops accomplish for their participants, the various benefits of workshops at different stages of your career (can they benefit experts or are they exclusively for new writers?), and how to make the most of your time in a writing workshop.
K.G. Anderson (M), Nancy Kress, Daryl Gregory, Evan J. Peterson, Shiv Ramdas
Link to this itemMedia Images: Are We Just Looking for Sexy?
Evergreen 3 & 4
Or are we just plain sexist? While things are improving, there’s still a strong tendency toward emphasizing the muscles of men, and the (ahem) swimsuit areas of women. How do we collectively change the demeaning attitude that dictates that most women characters in comic books, graphic novels, and book covers must be dressed in a sexually provocative manner in order to hold the viewer’s attention? (P.S. we love the vest with pockets from Black Widow.)
Torrey Stenmark (M), Janet Borkowski, Zamesta Cosplay
Link to this itemStorytime
Olympic 1
Bring your family over for some stories read by a children’s author. Families with youth ages 0-8.
Jenny Shafer (M), Sam Stark
Link to this itemPotion Make and Take Workshop
Olympic 2
Whether you’re a merperson needing legs to walk amidst the ‘oomans, a werewolf trying to stave off the full moon, or some other enchanted being—we all need a little magic now and then! Come create your own little potion to take home, give as a gift, or wear around con! These small glass vials strung on simple jute cord work with all kinds of cosplays and are really easy and fun to make! Supplies provided. An optional $2 materials fee may be donated at the time of the workshop. Space is limited. Sign up at the info desk. Ages 12+.
Mermaid Ylluria (M), Mermaid Merlissa
Link to this itemWriting Prompts from Pictures
Olympic 3
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but is it worth a story? We provide the pictures, you come with your imagination. Create a story based on picture prompts. For tweens and teens.
Camden Rose (M), Brianna Tibbetts, Mikko Azul

Noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemLet’s Talk About Authenticity
Cascade 5 & 6
noon–1 p.m.
The discussion of authenticity in SFF media has always been lively. Lately there have been new claims about “authenticity” regarding productions like The Rings of Power, Game of Thrones, and The Little Mermaid based around their inclusion of people of color, women, and queer characters. Is this line of criticism valid, or does it come from the ways audiences have seen or imagined such stories being portrayed before, which is to say with a white cast?
Emily Leverett, Alaina Ewing, Remy Nakamura
Link to this itemOutsourcing for Independent Writers
Cascade 7 & 8
noon–1 p.m.
So, you wrote your book and you want to self-publish. What’s next? You’ll need a cover, an editor, a book designer, and perhaps a more professional website than you can manage. Where do you find people who can help, how much do they charge, and how do you write contracts for their work? Experienced self-publishers will discuss.
Maquel A. Jacob (M), Eva L. Elasigue, Elliott Kay, Jessie Kwak
Link to this itemOfficial Fan Fiction
Cascade 10
noon–1 p.m.
While adaptations of books into movies and television shows is commonplace, more and more we see stories that are technically “fan fiction” being officially produced. Some examples are BBC’s Sherlock, most of the James Bond movies, and more recently, The Rings of Power. Do viewers draw lines between canonical, altered, or fan fiction stories, not to mention completely new works in an established universe? Are they viewed as sacrilege, modernization, or simply a new way to enjoy a beloved world?
Berlynn Wohl (M), Gabe (G.S.) Denning, Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Luke Elliott
Link to this itemBetter Worlds Are Possible
Cascade 11 or Twitch logo Twitch
noon–1 p.m.
Dystopias are everywhere but let’s discuss our favorite utopias. SFF also imagines better worlds and societies, from The Dispossessed and Woman on the Edge of Time to more recent examples like Walkaway, Everfair, and A Country of Ghosts. How can utopian worlds inspire? How do utopian elements shape SFF even when they’re not prominent features?
Tom Whitmore, Thursday
Link to this itemTrends: YA Tropes & Clichés
Cascade 12
noon–1 p.m.
The love triangle… forbidden love… soulmates… love at first sight. Let’s talk about where popular YA has been and where it’s going. What are the hits and misses in genre YA? What are the trends and what are agents and publishers looking for?
Marta Murvosh (M), Brianna Tibbetts, Cait McKinzie, Benjamin Gorman
Link to this itemBest of 2023 Speculative Film Fest
Evergreen 1 & 2
noon–1 p.m.
See some of the best short films from this year’s festival, and also view the first public screening of the short movie that was planned, edited, and shot during the Norwescon 45 Let’s Make a Movie filmmaking workshop.
Ryan K. Johnson, dQ Kaufman
Link to this itemThe Sword from Horseback
Evergreen 3 & 4
noon–1 p.m.
While the lance, axe, and mace were used on horseback, the sword remained the preferred weapon for close combat. The first tournaments were fought as mass melees using purposefully dulled swords. We will discuss sword types from across the centuries and cultures; many will be available for examination.
Link to this itemDargarth Seattle – First Kingdom
Grand 2
noon–3 p.m.
Dargarth is a Seattle-based live-action wargame. We use a sufficient force combat system with simplified magic and armor rules. Players form into teams, or “countries,” and compete for land and glory. Club members will be demonstrating game rules and scenarios. Come out and join us!
Wm Salt Hale (M)
Ann Shilling (M), D.L. Solum
Link to this itemRobots!
Olympic 1
noon–1 p.m.
Spark your child’s love of robotics! We’ll “program” each other, construct a robot, and see an Ozobot in action. Youth ages 0-8.
Jenny Shafer (M)
Link to this itemCreating a Minecraft World
Olympic 3
noon–1 p.m.
Want to create a world in Minecraft but don’t know where to start? Learn some tips and tricks to make spectacular worlds that defy imagination! This will be part panel, part workshop, and you’ll get the chance to sketch some ideas for your very own world. For tweens and teens.
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Mikko Azul, Zamesta Cosplay
Link to this itemHoedown Superheroes
Lobby Photo Area
noon–1:30 p.m.
Howdy partners, welcome to the Hoedown Superheroes photoshoot event! There will be superheroes Wild West style for you to photograph—or you’re welcome to participate! Choose a superhero and create them as if they were in the Wild West (roughly 1865-1895). Anything is fair game, Steampunk, fantasy, Westworld, whatever makes you happy. It doesn’t need to be period, but should be recognizable as the Wild West. You are asked to avoid cultural appropriation in your costume and remember your COVID mask for the photo shoot! If you would like more info on the Hoedown Superheroes, contact Peggy Stewart ( The group photo will be taken at 12:10 p.m.
Peggy Stewart (M)

1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemYou Say “Mad Scientist” and “Evil Plans” Like They are Bad Things
Cascade 5 & 6
1–2 p.m.
Interest leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to obsession, and obsession leads to world domination. It’s simple logic, Pinky.
Agathon McGeachy (M), Jake McKinzie, Torrey Stenmark
Link to this itemBoundary Setting 101
Cascade 7 & 8
1–2 p.m.
We all know that setting boundaries is healthy. But how do we do it when we’re young and the person we need to set a boundary with is an adult? As an adult, what the person you need to set a boundary with has power over you in some other way? How can we set and enforce our boundaries in healthy ways?
Alaina Ewing (M), Sar Surmick, Tyrean Martinson
Link to this itemMaking Space for Making
Cascade 9
1–2 p.m.
Crafting, making, and cosplay all take equipment and materials. The panel is about different approaches to making space in your home for making, from boxes under the bed to dedicated makerspaces in garages and basements. In addition, we’ll discuss not making space, and the advantages and drawbacks of community makerspaces.
Ieva Ohaks, Belsac
Link to this itemHumanity in the Far Future
Cascade 10
1–2 p.m.
Science fiction loves to imagine humans in the far future (Dune, Foundation). But, in TV and film, humans are portrayed by modern human phenotypes. If we venture out into space, how will humans evolve as a space-faring species, with less gravity and sunlight? Are there different ways to portray humans in today’s books, art, and science fiction media?
Maquel A. Jacob (M), Eva L. Elasigue, Benjamin Gorman
Link to this itemGender Swaps and Time Shifts—Changing up Your Costumes
Evergreen 1 & 2
1–2 p.m.
Superman to Superwoman. Wonder Woman to Wonder Man. Star Trek in the Wild West? Getting creative with how you interpret characters in the media using cosplay is all the rage. The only limit is your imagination, and it’s a great way to get that double take you crave as you show off your latest costume. Bring your ideas and examples, and let’s brainstorm the next great unexpected costume interpretation!
Carmen Beaudry (M), Janet Borkowski, Wm Salt Hale
Link to this itemLandscape of the Fantastic
Evergreen 3 & 4
1–2 p.m.
Having a working knowledge of geography and mapmaking assists greatly in world-building. Coming up with the name for a place often gives a strong sense of the culture and the history of that place. Cultures and powers who made the maps were able to control the world, not to mention the structures of religion, politics, and finance. Join us as we discuss how we as writers can use this tool to improve our work.
Brenda Carre (M), Jeff Sturgeon, Grace P. Fong, Larry Lewis, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held

2 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT / 9 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemTransformation—Practical Advice and Examples for Creating Costumes that Transform
Cascade 5 & 6
2–3 p.m.
Transformation costumes are among the most challenging to create and yet are some of the most amazing costumes to make. Join our panel of costumers as they discuss practical tips for creating transformation costumes as well as the pitfalls to avoid. Structural materials and mechanical design tips will also be discussed.
Carmen Beaudry (M), Julie Zetterberg, Ieva Ohaks, Zamesta Cosplay
Link to this itemSolutions for Space Rescue
Cascade 7 & 8
2–3 p.m.
Today, astronauts in trouble are largely on their own. There’s rarely a rescue vehicle available. In the future, tourists and their insurance companies might not find this approach acceptable. How can we improve our ability to respond to emergencies on space stations and aboard spacecraft in flight?
Bart Kemper (M), Dr. Sean Robinson, Howard Davidson
Link to this itemHow Extreme Can You Go?
Cascade 9
2–3 p.m.
Yes, people live in cities, but bacteria live in smoker vents. And in YOU, ya filthy animal.
Tom Whitmore (M), Colette Breshears, Leigh Harlen, Charlotte Lewis Brown
Link to this itemThe Fearful Fetus: Pregnancy and Birth in Horror
Cascade 10
2–3 p.m.
From Rosemary’s Baby to the Alien movies, horror is full of monstrous pregnancies and monstrous births. Why has this trope lasted over decades, from the era of Roe v. Wade to now? What’s the culture-wide fear at work in pregnancy and birth, and how might this anxiety play out in gender identity discussions?
Evan J. Peterson (M), Sam Stark, Erin Wilcox, Xander Odell
Link to this itemLaugh It Up
Cascade 11 or Twitch logo Twitch
2–3 p.m.
Even the grandest fantasy adventures and hair-raising thrillers include humor. But how, when, and why would you work comedy into your storytelling? We’ll explore examples of humor in modern novels and discuss what makes it work. Some people are just plain funny, but most of us have to work at it. We’ll discuss techniques to get the funny rolling. Panelists share best practices and discuss strategies for using different types of humor in stories.
Gabe (G.S.) Denning (M), Shiv Ramdas, Joseph Malik, Brenda Carre

3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT / 10 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemClosing Ceremonies
Evergreen 3 & 4
3–4 p.m.
Come help us send off Norwescon 45’s guests of honor with fanfare. We’ve made it through another year, so let’s celebrate the good times we’ve had.
Grace P. Fong, Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, Dr. Greg Dubos

4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT / 11 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemOnions & Roses
Evergreen 3 & 4
4–5 p.m.
The convention is over. Here’s your chance to weigh in on what went well, and what didn’t. Tell us your favorite and least favorite parts of the convention, so we can try to make it better next year. After all—as a member of Norwescon, this is YOUR convention!