Code of Conduct

Mission Statement

To promote science fiction, fantasy, horror, related fictional genres, and science through the written word, art, and educational programs, such as the holding of a yearly convention where the public is provided with the opportunity to hear noted writers, scientists, and educators speak on various aspects of the fields of science fiction, fantasy and science and to participate in discussions, displays, and lectures involving these fields.

Norwescon believes that its mission is to provide to the public the opportunity to be educated on the latest trends in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and science, as science fiction in many cases becomes the science of the future. As one of the many consequences of doing this, Norwescon will uplift marginalized voices in our community and work to advance a more equitable, just society.

Anti-racism Statement

Because inequality and bias pervade our culture, it is not enough to passively avoid discrimination. To uplift marginalized voices in our community and advance equity and justice, we must be antiracist. To combat inequality, we commit to the following:

  • We affirm that Black lives matter, Indigenous lives matter, and the lives of people of color matter.
  • We will take actions that support and uplift marginalized voices in our community and advance a more equitable and just society and ask our members to do the same.
  • We will actively recruit diverse voices to participate in the convention and other educational activities and the planning of the convention and those activities, and then empower, not tokenize, those voices.
  • We will critically examine our history, traditions, and privileges and question how they impact all members of our community.
  • We will consider how Norwescon’s educational activities and charitable giving can be leveraged to advance the principles described in this statement.
  • We welcome dialogue about these principles and being held accountable when we fall short of them.

As a volunteer organization, we are strongest when all hands come together constructively to improve our community.

Code of Conduct

Norwescon is a safe and welcoming space for persons of all backgrounds and descriptions. Everyone should have a great time in their own way at the convention—but not if it comes at the expense of others. As a community, we insist on behavior that respects the autonomy of each individual member.

To help ensure an enjoyable experience for all, we expect you to abide by the following guidelines.  Norwescon will take appropriate action to enforce our code of conduct at all of our meetings and events.

  • Be respectful of others. This includes the members, program participants, volunteers, convention staff, and venue staff.
  • Do not display potentially offensive images or symbols in public spaces, or in your background in the case of virtual participation. This includes images which are sexually graphic, or which carry connotations that are historically or racially offensive, including bigoted iconography or symbolism.
  • Do not record any convention content without prior permission from Norwescon.
  • Keep all content appropriate for all ages unless you are participating in an area or activity explicitly labelled as 18+.
  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and the policies of Norwescon as described in the Membership Guide.
  • Commit to behavior that uplifts marginalized voices in our community and advances a more equitable, just society.

Harassment Policy

Norwescon members, volunteers, and staff have the right to be free from harassment in all convention contexts, in person and online, throughout the year.  We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, nor discrimination based on age, race, class, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or disability.

Harassment is behavior which focuses unwelcome attention on a person or group and inappropriately crosses reasonable social boundaries or continues after a showing of disinterest or a request to stop. An explicit “no” or “stop” is not required.

You are an active participant in upholding this community standard. As a member, staff, or volunteer, you accept the responsibility to respect others and maintain safety. When you feel safe and comfortable doing so, please call out inappropriate behavior and remind others of our community expectation of respectful behavior.

Reporting Violations

If you experience or witness harassment or other violations of the Code of Conduct, report it!

Reports can be made at any time to, at the convention office, or to any staff member.

Staff will listen to you respectfully, preserve safety, take action, and follow up in response to your report.

Violations may lead to a range of consequences, from a warning to more serious steps such as revocation of convention membership or banning from future conventions.