
One of the benefits of membership with Norwescon is that you are eligible to receive a number of publications throughout the year, including progress reports, post-con reports, and a monthly electronic newsletter. There are also a number of “at con” publications which are designed to to enhance your convention experience, including a program book, a pocket program book, a member’s guide, and a daily ’zine.


Norwescon distributes an electronic newsletter which contains announcements, updates, and other items of interest to Nowescon members. Please feel free to sign up for the Norwescon eNewsletter and begin receiving the latest news each month!

Program Book

The Program Book is normally distributed to 2,000+ members during the convention each year. This approximately 75 page document is produced on high-gloss paper in color and black and white and features information about our Guests of Honor, panelists, pros, the programming schedule for the convention, artwork and more.

Norwescon 45 Program Book

You can download the Norwescon 45 Program Book (7.1 MB .pdf).

Daily ’Zine

Each year during the convention, we produce a daily ’zine full of announcements, program changes that came too late to make the print deadline for the main program book, and general silliness.