Open Volunteer Positions

We will post openings for positions we’re looking to fill here throughout the year, but there’s a good chance that there are a number of other positions that could use a willing volunteer, or any number of other ways you can help out! If you’d like to chip in with putting Norwescon together, see what’s listed below, or stop by one of our ConCom volunteer meetings. We’ll be thrilled to see you!

This page is not necessarily a comprehensive list of open positions. Even if you don’t see something here that you think is right for you, we’d love to welcome you to the ConCom team! Please feel free to drop us a line, or join us at one of our monthly planning meetings to see how you can help.

If you do not get a response within 72 hours, please email our personnel department for assistance.

This page was last updated on Mar 12, 2023 @ 11:52 am.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Chair, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Secretary, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Business Department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Fundraising Coordinator

Do you have a great idea for a fundraiser? Come join the Business team and lead the way on fundraising for Norwescon.

Convention Services

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Convention Services Department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


A volunteer who is able to type, site for at least four hours, and follow basic radio etiquette. Dispatch is the connection between roaming safety ambassadors and the supervisors/managers on duty. The primary responsibility is to log all information that comes across the desk and pass it along to the appropriate parties.

Office Staff

A volunteer who is able to type, sit for at least four hours, and is happy interacting with convention members, staff, and volunteers. Office staff serve as the main point of contact between Norwescon and the hotel for convention space housekeeping needs.

Typical duties include checking equipment in and out, recording lost property, answering the phone, taking messages, and providing information.

Safety Ambassador

A volunteer who is able to walk for at least four hours and is happy interacting with convention members, staff, and volunteers. Safety ambassadors serve as a primary resource for ensuring that the policies of Norwescon are adhered to, primarily by observing and reporting and not getting physically involved. For COVID-19 mask policies, safety ambassadors are asked to gently remind attendees of the expectation that they will wear a mask in convention space. Ambassadors are expected to answer general questions about the convention and perform other duties, such as assisting with line management and peace-bonding. Typical duties include traveling the hallways to assist with policy compliance, de-escalate situations, and provide support to members/staff/volunteers during times of need.

Member Services

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Member Services Department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Art in Action Lead

Art in Action is a unique place for artists and makers to connect with members and give demonstrations of the art they love. Our members watch the art in action and talk to the artists and makers about what they do. Whether it is an artist they know or someone they have just discovered, connections are made and members get the chance to be inspired. Would you like to facilitate this?


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Personnel Department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Programming department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Pro Check-In Team Member

Join the team that creates a welcoming, inclusive space where attending professionals pick up their pro packets and find assistance while assuring the Pro Check-In and Green Room spaces remain secure and in order. Shifts can periods of sitting are required. Shifts vary between 1 and 3 hours as your schedule allows.

Programming Services Team Member

The Programming Services Team ensures the programming panel rooms are set up correctly and have all of the necessary equipment and supplies necessary to run each panel throughout the hotel. The duties of this at-con commitment include but are not limited to outfitting panel rooms with clocks, notepads, pens, pencils, and other needed items; infrequent and minor furniture adjustments; providing panelists with time cues at the end of panels. The ability to walk, wheel, or otherwise travel through the hotel is required for this position. Shifts vary between 1 and 3 hours as your schedule allows.

Virtual Programming Support Team Member

Norwescon will offer upstreamed content of select programming panels throughout the convention and we need staff who will monitor the chat to ensure that the space remains safe for all to participate. Work from home or at the convention during convention hours while monitoring our virtual chat rooms on Twitch. Working from home requires the use of your own computer. Those working at the convention will work in the Pro Check-In area. Requires the use of a free Twitch account. Shifts vary between 1 and 3 hours as your schedule allows.

Monster Mash Assistants

The Monster Mash is back! Assist our mad scientists as they mash their own monsters, bringing new life to discarded plushies. Only rudimentary sewing skills are required, along with a twisted sense of humor. Monster Mash for Families is Saturday 3pm-5pm and Monster Mash For Mature Mad Scientists is Saturday from 6 to 8pm.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Publications department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Social Media Assistants

Works with the Social Media Lead to delivers update as requested to the convention’s social communities including (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media outlets. Monitors social media sites and the wider web for direct or indirect mentions of Norwescon and replies or alerts necessary parties as required.


Oversees the convention website, updating design and content as required. Requires WordPress CMS administration knowledge. May need to create content or edit provided content; strong writing and editing skills preferred. May need to create occasional design elements for the website; some design background appreciated but not required. Also responsible for Dreamhost account management.

Webmaster Second

Assist the Webmaster with website updates and redesign planning and implementation. The ideal volunteer would have interest in learning enough to take over as webmaster in the future.

Special Events

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Special Events department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


2 hour shifts working in Rotunda 1, Rotunda 2 or Maxi’s Ballroom. You will be watching over the games areas and answering questions, helping people find their game table for scheduled games or helping check out games, if in Maxi’s Ballroom. Please fill out this volunteer form to sign up.

Nerf and Lazer Tag Herders

Volunteers are used for referees during free play events and to help set up and tear down. Positions are available Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at con.


All these positions are for Saturday of the con. If you love to check out costumes up close and personal, these jobs might be for you.

  • Children’s Masquerade: Oversee the children’s masquerade. Organize the children and bring them down to the masquerade.
  • Den Parents: Help the masquerade contestants during the contest to make sure they’re prepared and calm.
  • Stage Ninjas: Like to wear black? You get to act like a sneaky ninja and place props and help contestants not fall off the runway or stairs.
  • Judge’s Clerks: Help the judges stay organized as they judge the masquerade and make their decisions.
  • Front House Manager: In charge of the audience seating, ADA and other reserved seating, and all things in the front of the stage.
  • Workmanship Judging: Fabulous skills in sewing and craft work? Help judge.
  • Presentation Judging: Judging the presentation on stage.
  • Runners: Help guide the masquerade contestants to the photo area and back along with any other running we need.