Norwescon Documentation

This entry was published on November 12, 2013 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

How to access Norwescon on-line documentation

Norwescon agendas, meeting minutes, policies, and the current organizational chart are all available through Google Drive.

Each month meeting notices are emailed out. One notice is sent only to convention committee staff. In this meeting notice there are links to the current agenda, last month’s meeting minutes (once approved), the current organizational chart, policies, and any other necessary documents.

Documentation Links (Where do I go to get the agenda?)

Bookmark and save those links! They are your passport to Norwescon documents and are good for the entire convention planning year.

Each link will send you to a Google document, which is labeled with the convention planning year and type of document. Example: NWC37_OrgChart.pdf

Click on the link and you will see the current version of the org chart (or other document).

Version Control (I need to see last month’s ConCom agenda ASAP!)

What if you want to check on a previous version of the org chart or a meeting agenda from two months ago? It’s easy! Open “View Revisions” under the File menu and select the version with a date closest to the meeting date or time period you are looking for. You will be prompted to save the file, or the file will be saved to your computer. Open it and you will see the version of the file you need.

Meeting minutes and agendas are all labeled with the month in question. Each version of the org chart is labeled DRAFT plus the month/date/year it was created.

Personal Copies (I want to keep copies on my own computer)

All Norwescon documents are PDFs and can be downloaded but not altered. You are welcome to download a copy to your computer for personal use, too.

Please do not make copies and distribute them in any way, as there is personal information about staff in many of the documents. Please respect right to privacy of our staff and refrain from giving out the documents without consent.

Public vs. Private

Unlike other documents, Norwescon’s policies are available to everyone, including the general public. While the link makes it easier to find our policies, they are also easy to find via a search engine or the Norwescon website. On the opposite end of security is the org chart. Not only must you have the link from the Norwescon meeting notice, you also must have joined the Norwescon ConCom Google group in order to access the org chart. Norwescon makes every effort to safeguard the privacy of our staff and prevent personal information being distributed without consent. Meeting minutes, agendas, and other documents fall somewhere in the middle. For example, you must have the link to the agenda to access it.


Q. Do I have to have a Gmail account?
A. You DO NOT need a Gmail account to access Norwescon Google documents. You can access Norwescon Google documents with any email address, regardless of provider.

Q. Why can’t I access the org chart?
A. You join the Norwescon ConCom mailing list in order to access the org chart.

Q. I’d like to be able to look at the files when I don’t have internet. Is that possible?
A. You can save a copy for your personal use.

Q. I need to see a really old document. How can I get it?
A. If you need access to a document from a prior year, please email the Secretary team at Please try to include the type of document and convention year as this will help narrow the search. We will do our best to accommodate you!