Speeding Through Registration – Tips for Arrival

We’re just four weeks out from Norwescon 40! In case you’re new to us, or if you could use a refresher, here are some tips on how to get through registration and get your badge once you arrive at the hotel.

In brief:

  • Badges are not sent out ahead of time, you pick them up at the registration desk.
  • You will need your printed and signed AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) form, which will be emailed to you about two weeks before the convention.
  • If you do not bring your AUP, you can print it out at registration.
  • If you have not pre-registered, you can do so at the convention.

Read on for more detailed information!

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Upcoming Preregistration Price Increases

Have you purchased your Norwescon 37 membership yet? If not, this is a great time to do so, as our membership rates will be increasing in just over two weeks! The current rate of $50 for the full four-day membership (April 17-20, 2014) is in effect through August 31st, 2013.