Pre-Registration Closes April 3

This entry was published on March 22, 2019 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Online preregistration for Norwescon 42 is scheduled to close on Wednesday, April 3rd. As of April 4th online preregistration will no longer be available and day pass/door rates will be published. Purchase your membership now and save money at the door!

2 thoughts on “Pre-Registration Closes April 3”

  1. I did the pre registration form online and it directs me to mail my payment as I do not have PayPal. The confirmation email however says my payment must be received by May 4, 2019 to be valid. Is this a typo or?. I mailing a money order today. Will my pre registration still be valid?

    • Hi Cheri,

      Our apologies for not seeing this comment until just now. I’m not sure if that date is a typo or not (I’ll have to check with our Registration department), but with your registration in the system and mailing the payment today, I believe you should be fine. Worst case, we’ll be able to clear things up at the con to make sure you’re taken care of. Thanks, and enjoy the con!

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