Jon Rogers
Jon’s talent comes from his mother who was a noted local painter. His focus is on ‘techo-realism’, the pursuit of realistic, extremely accurate re-creations of fantastic subjects. His subjects are mainly the Heroes and Hardware that made the future of Spaceflight possible to those who lived before the dawn of the Space age. Using his art and an Engineering background he has created some of the most precise examples of Science Fiction Art yet seen. Also he has co-authored and illustrated books like The Spaceship Handbook, and The Saucer Fleet, as well as articles on the history of spaceships and spaceflight for Filmfax and the AIAA Houston’s newsletter, Horizons. He was a speaker at NAR’s NARCON 2002, the AAS 50th Annual National Convention in 2003, and on Mike Hodel’s Hour 25 radio program. He has a website (, dedicated to the hi story and Art of the spaceship and its relationship to the human condition.
NorWesCon 34 People’s Choice, Best SCI-FI Art
Upcoming Events
NorWescon 37
More Info
Please Visit [WWW.RogersRocketships.comPlease Visit for more information or to contact the artist for more information or to contact the artist