Schedule of Events

Norwescon 37: Elegance and Entropy | April 17-20, 2014

NWC37 Saturday Banner

It’s here! The Norwescon 37 schedule of events! Get the rundown of every event happening all weekend long with our interactive Guidebook or our full event listings.


We will once again be using [Guidebook][gb] to provide the best possible smartphone/tablet/mobile experience! Since our schedule just got finalized, it will take a little time to translate it all to Guidebook’s format. We’ll get it up as soon as possible, but in the meantime, while our publications team puts the finishing touches on our guide, feel free to download the [official Guidebook app][gb] to your phone or tablet so that you’ll be ready to go as soon as our guide is ready!

[gb]: “Guidebook”

While the interactive Guidebook will be the most up-to-date version of our schedule, we are happy to provide web-based and downloadable guides:

We are once again using Guidebook to provide the best possible smartphone/tablet/mobile experience! Just download the official Guidebook app on your iOS or Android device, search for the Norwescon 37 guide, and you’ll be ready to go!

While the interactive Guidebook is the most up-to-date version of our schedule, we are happy to provide web-based and downloadable guides:

Norwescon 37 Schedule

Select a day below to view each day’s schedule:

Thursday, April 17 | Friday, April 18 | Saturday, April 19 | Sunday, April 20

(P.S. Looking for our gaming schedule? That lives on a page of its own right over here!)

Downloadable Guides

Full programming grids

(Current as of Mar. 26, 2014.)

Each year, our team assembles four days jam-packed with the best in panels, workshops, and events to keep you in geek nirvana. We’ll be putting the Norwescon 37 schedule together over the next year; look for more information and announcements (including our calls for pros and panelists and for panel ideas) in the coming months.