Advertising at Norwescon

Norwescon 37: Elegance and Entropy | April 17-20, 2014

## Program Book Ad Rates

The Norwescon Program Book is distributed to 3,000+ members during the convention each year.

For Norwescon 37, our advertising rates are:

Full Page $400
Half Page $200
Quarter Page $100
Business Card $50

Ad submissions for Norwescon 36 (2013) are now closed.

If you are interested in advertising in the Norwescon 37 (2014) souvenir/program book, rate information is expected to be available in August 2013 with payment and copy due in January 2014.

Copy and payment are due no later than midnight on Sunday January 12, 2014. Electronic submission as a pdf or high-resolution graphic file is preferred. Please contact our [publications department][1] to submit your ad copy/artwork.

[1]: “Contact Norwescon Publications”

Ready to secure ad space?


If you pay for space but do not submit acceptable ad copy **before midnight January 12, 2014**, your ad will not be included in the Norwescon 36 Souvenir book.

Swag Bag Advertising

Swag bags are distributed to our attendees when they pick up their badges. To place fliers or promotional items in the bags, items must be of interest to our membership (for example, having to do with science fiction, fantasy, science, or other areas of fan life). The Norwescon Chair has final say as to what can be included.

Bags will be assembled on Sunday, April 13th, 2014, and items can either be hand delivered to the hotel on that date or sent to Norwescon at least one week before bag assembly. Any submissions must be delivered to Norwescon by April 10, 2014. Please contact us in advance if the shipment will be 200 lbs. or more.

If you or your organization has fliers or other material that you wish to include in the packets, you may either arrange to get them to the Norwescon Transportation Department by Thursday, April 10, or bring them to the hotel yourself April 13 by noon.

If you wish to mail materials in, please send them to:

Eric Pawtowski
19705 Scriber Lake Rd, Suite 103
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Please remember that materials mailed in must ARRIVE by April 10. If the shipment is very large (more than 200lbs) then the Transportation department must be informed ahead of time of what it is, who is sending it, the estimated arrival date, the shipping company, and the shipping company tracking number, once it is shipped.

If you wish to hand-deliver materials before the stuffing party, please contact the NWC Transportation Dept. at and make arrangements. The Transportation Dept. would appreciate advanced notification of any materials that are brought to the stuffing party or mailed in advance, but that is not a requirement.

NOTE: Norwescon reserves the right to reject any material deemed unsuitable or inappropriate. (This has very rarely been an issue in the past.) Any materials placed in the registration packets must be appropriate and suitable for a mixed audience of SF fen, including those under 18. Norwescon does not sort the packets by age of recipient or any other demographic criteria. Non-SF&F related commercial or political materials may not be accepted. If you are at all concerned about your material, please submit a sample to the Con Chair for review in advance. Any materials not reviewed in advance will be reviewed by the Con Chair at the stuffing party and may be rejected at that time.

Organizations that wish to include fliers or coupons are asked to help with the stuffing if feasible, but that is not a requirement.

If you are bringing materials to the stuffing party yourself, please be on time. In the past, those that have brought material in late usually ended up in a corner of the room adding their materials to the packets that have already been stuffed. Not nearly as much fun as being in the conga line of stuffers. We plan to stuff ~3500 packets, so plan accordingly. Excess materials will be placed on the flier rack at the start of the con.

Program Book

The Norwescon Program Book is distributed to 3,000+ members during the convention each year.

For Norwescon 37, our advertising deadline has passed.