
The NWC36 Schedule is Live!

It's here! The Norwescon 36 schedule of events! Get the rundown of every event happening all weekend long with our interactive Guidebook or our full event listings. Read More »

At NWC36: Steampunk: What Is It and Why Is It So Popular?

Join our panelists as they look at recent works of steampunk, share their opinions of what makes steampunk different from the work of the founding fathers of science fiction, and why the genre is so appealing. Read More »

Movie News & Previews Are On The March!

Each year at Norwescon the most popular panel programs are Keith & Alan's Movie News and Previews. We highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges and also the wider entertainment culture; TV shows, home video, theme parks -- the whole gamut! And for our fans of the Previews, we bring in da swag! Read More »

At NWC36: Surviving the Slush Pile

If the editor doesn't read past the first page, it doesn't matter how good the rest is. How to quickly capture and hold a slush reader's attention. Read More »

Carnivale in Venice/Carnival on Venus

Our highly popular annual themed fashion show this year will take you to the heights of costume splendor as we sail the Grand Canal of Venice during Carnivale season to marvel at the opulent masquerade costumes that are seen there. Read More »

At NWC36: Viscera

Coming up at Norwescon 36: Viscera, a non-profit devoted to expanding opportunities for women filmmakers in the contemporary genre, presents a selection of horror films. 17+ only, some content rated R. Read More »

Wedding Party at the End of the Universe

Have you ever wanted a fannish wedding? Now is your chance! In honor of marriage equality coming to Washington State, Norwescon is hosting a wedding extravaganza! Read More »

Panel, panelist, and Game Master applications are open!

Happy summer! The annual Norwescon Volunteer Appreciation Picnic went off gangbusters last weekend, and preparations for Norwescon 36 are already well underway! We're currently taking applications for Game Masters, panelists, and panel ideas. Read More »

Norwescon 35 Awards

Each year, Norwescon presents a number of awards to its attendees, costumers, and exhibiting artists. Here are this year's winners -- congratulations to all of you! Read More »

Movie Previews Take Over the World!

We hope to see you at one or more of our panels this year. Why not collect the whole set? Read More »

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