
Let’s Make A Movie!

From planning, to shooting, to editing -- making a movie at Norwescon is a hilarious and brilliant thrill ride with the Let's Make a Movie workshop. Read More »

2014 Fandance Film Festival Lineup

Congratulations to the following films, which have been chosen as official selections of the Fandance Film Festival at Norwescon! Read More »

Full Schedule, nwcMUSIC, and Masquerade Registration!

As we get ever closer to Norwescon 37 -- just one month to go, as of today! -- we've posted another round of updates to our website over the past week. Read More »

Expanded Youth Track for NWC37

If you have been leaving the kids home while you jaunt off to attend Norwescon every year, you might want to rethink that for 2014. Our expanded Youth Track has some excellent offerings this year! Read More »

Writers Workshop Reminder

Want to take your writing to the next level? Norwescon's writing workshops offer extra help with improving your short fiction or novel. Workshop participants will get feedback on their manuscripts from published writers. Read More »

Announcing the Norwescon 37 Executive Team

As Vice Chair and Chair, William and I have the honor of picking the Norwescon 37 Executive Team. We are pleased to announce after many interviews, the team has been picked. Read More »

At NWC36: Self-Publishing Games

Kickstarter is the new hotness in self-publishing, but there are pros and cons to crowd-sourcing. What are some other options for creating and publishing your own board games, video games, and role-playing games? Read More »

At NWC36: Write a Fanfic in an Hour

Have you ever wanted to write a fanfic, but just never were able to before? Fret not! In this panel, a team of fanfic writers will help you work past your fears and jump feet first into writing! Read More »

At NWC36: Why Don’t We See More Ocean SF?

The earth is a water world, why don't we see more SF and fantasy set in the ocean? Read More »

At NWC36: Save/Destroy the World Double Feature

Double feature: Will technology save the world...or will it destroy the world? Pick your side and state your case! Read More »

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