Norwescon Publications's Posts

Posterspotting Contest!

Snap a photo of a Norwescon poster around the Seattle area, send it in, and you could win a special badge ribbon! Read More »

NWC37 Poster

This year's poster for Norwescon 37 is now available in downloadable .pdf format, sized for 8.5x11 paper and ready to print out and post wherever you want. Well, in legal spaces, of course. ;) Read More »

NWC36 Post-Con Report

The Norwescon 36 Post-Convention report is produced and ready to go! You don't even have to wait for it to show up in your mailbox -- just download it here! Read More »

Norwescon: Now on Tumblr and Pinterest!

Norwescon has just added Tumblr and Pinterest to our lineup of social media outlets! Read More »

Anne McCaffrey

Talking with Anne McCaffrey from NWC16

It's 1993, Norwescon 16, and the Special Guest of Honor will not be able to attend the convention due to health reasons. What to do? Why, travel to Ireland with portable VHS cameras, of course! Read More »

NWC36 Spot-the-Poster Contest!

Did you spot a poster or flyer for Norwescon 36 in the wild? Let us know where, and you could win one of only 250 special badge ribbons for your Norwescon 36 badge! Read More »

NWC36 Flyers

Want to help promote Norwescon? We just posted color and black-and-white versions of our NWC36 promotional flyer! Read More »

NWC35 Post-Con Report

As we move closer to Norwescon 36, are you curious about how Norwescon 35 went? Well, wonderfully, of course! If you'd like a response that's a little bit more detailed, our Norwescon 35 Post-Con Report is now available! Read More »

Mechanical hand project debuted at Norwescon 34

Norwescon was mentioned in an account of a project to develop a functional mechanical hand. It turns out that a gadget first created for a costume, and first shown publicly at Norwescon 34, is being adapted to assist a South African man who lost fingers on his right hand in a woodworking accident. Read More »

Katrina Marier paneling at Norwescon 35

SF (and Norwescon) Big in the Northwest

Congratulations to ConCom member Katrina Marier, who was recently interviewed for a Seattle Times article about fandom in the Pacific Northwest! Read More »

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