Movie News & Previews Are On The March!

Each year at Norwescon the most popular panel programs are Keith & Alan’s Movie News and Previews. We highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges and also the wider entertainment culture; TV shows, home video, theme parks — the whole gamut! And for our fans of the Previews, we bring in da swag!

March ConCom Meeting

NWC36 March ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? March’s Norwescon 36 planning meeting will be held Saturday, March 9th, 2013.

NWC36 Spot-the-Poster Contest!

NWC36 PosterDid you spot a poster (as seen to the right) or flyer (as seen on this page) for Norwescon 36 in the wild? Let us know where, and you could win one of only 250 special badge ribbons for your Norwescon 36 badge!

Poster locations eligible for this contest are in Seattle, the eastside, and Tacoma and are managed by Keep Posted. If you see a poster display in another location that includes our Norwescon poster please submit that information too. Alternate locations will be eligible for a reward if all 250 Keep Posted locations are not found.

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