NWC43 Dealers’ Room Applications Reopened!

This entry was published on February 22, 2021 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Hello, Norwescon 43 dealers and writers’ row authors and publishers! Guess what? We’ve decided to reopen the application portal!

That’s right! We are on track for Norwescon 43 to be the best virtual con ever and we want to give all of our valued exhibitors a chance to join us.

As before, display space at our static event site is free, but if you really want to take advantage of all that Norwescon 43 has to offer, you’ll definitely want to purchase an exhibitor’s membership so you can join us in Airmeet, our virtual convention platform. Each exhibitor that purchases a membership will get a booth in our virtual arena, with banner graphics, video capability, and multiple ways to interact with customers, including six (6) video-chat enabled tables!

Exhibitor’s memberships are the same rate as standard memberships—the low, low price of only $35—and include access to the full convention and its events in addition to the extra benefits for your exhibition space listed above.

So apply today! If you’ve already been accepted for the static display but don’t have your exhibitor’s membership yet, contact us at dealers@norwescon.org to get all the features that Airmeet has to offer.