News from Norwescon 43: Feb 16 2021

This entry was published on February 16, 2021 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Announcing Norwescon’s New Antiracism Statement, Code Of Conduct, And Harassment Policy

At Norwescon we believe in periodically reexamining policies which are important to the convention. This year’s executive team appointed a committee to review Norwescon’s harassment policy, adopted in 2013. After several months engaged in meetings and sensitivity review, we are pleased to announce the new policy in advance of our virtual convention.

The policy has expanded to include an antiracism statement, code of conduct, and harassment policy. The committee’s work also included amending the convention’s mission statement to be congruent with the new policies. Norwescon is excited to more explicitly recognize the role it plays in uplifting marginalized voices in our community and to declare that we are an antiracist organization.

You may view the new policy here.

If you have questions or feedback for us, please write to the revision committee at

Burlesque – Ripped From The Pages

Despite the virtual format, we will still have an amazing burlesque show this year. See returning favorites, including Bella La Blanc and Miss Violet DeVille, along with some new faces and special guests.

Keep an eye on the website for more:

Masquerade Submissions Open Now!

Get ready for the Masquerade! Have you been spending your stay- home-stay-safe time creating a costume? It’s time to show it off! Send us a short video of your costume (rules and guidelines here) to be presented at our Masquerade on Saturday evening of the convention. All skill levels are welcome. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Support Our Friends At OffWorld As They Empty Out Their Warehouse!

Our friends at OffWorld Designs – whom you’ve likely seen in the hotel lobby at Norwescon – have announced that they are retiring!

While we’re sad to see them go, we’re happy to have worked with them for many years now. They’re holding a 50% off sale to clear out their warehouse, and we encourage everyone to go see what kind of good geeky t-shirts you can find!

Norwescon merchandise is here – or have fun exploring the rest of the site!

Our heartfelt best wishes to Barb, Ray, and everyone else at OffWorld!