
LARPs at Norwescon 36

Norwescon 36 has yet to hear from any LARP groups who are attending. If you and your LARP group are attending Norwescon this year please contact us via email or leave a comment here. We can help you organize and schedule hotel space for your game during the convention! Read More »

Norwescon is looking for Game Masters!

Norwescon is looking for Game Masters!

Are you into tabletop, card, roleplaying, or miniature war games? We're looking for Game Masters to sign up to run games in our Scheduled Gaming room! Our gaming rooms are some of the first to open and last to close every Norwescon. Read More »

Panel, panelist, and Game Master applications are open!

Happy summer! The annual Norwescon Volunteer Appreciation Picnic went off gangbusters last weekend, and preparations for Norwescon 36 are already well underway! We're currently taking applications for Game Masters, panelists, and panel ideas. Read More »