
Upcoming Preregistration Price Increases

Have you purchased your Norwescon 37 membership yet? If not, this is a great time to do so, as our membership rates will be increasing in just over two weeks! The current rate of $50 for the full four-day membership (April 17-20, 2014) is in effect through August 31st, 2013. Read More »

Norwescon 37 Pre-Registration is Open!

Norwescon 37 (2014) Pre-registration is now open! Read More »

Finding Your Registration Confirmation and Barcode

We understand that many of you are looking for the "receipt with barcode" mentioned in this morning's News From Norwescon e-newsletter. Read on for instructions on how to find it (or what to do if you cannot)! Read More »

Norwescon 36 Membership Status Email

On Monday, June 25, 2012, we sent an email from regarding a price glitch. This email was sent to individuals who pre-registered for Norwescon 36 (2013) at Norwescon 35. The email is legitimate. Please follow the instructions provided. Read More »

Registration is Open!

Registration for Norwescon 36 is open!

The rumors are true -- registration for Norwescon 36 is now open! Look for more details on Norwescon 36 right here in the coming weeks -- the rollover to the full Norwescon 36 site is almost here! Read More »