Staff T-Shirts

This information is intended for current Norwescon ConCom members. We ask that this information not be distributed outside of the Norwescon ConCom. Thank you for your cooperation!

Staff T-Shirts

  • You must register and pay in full by December 14th at midnight in order to receive a staff t-shirt.
  • You have the option to pick a size S-5 XL, or opt out if you don’t want a t-shirt.
  • We will be voting on the color of the t-shirts at the November ConCom meeting.
  • We will have them for pickup at the last meeting before the convention.
  • They will be available for pickup in the Con Office at the convention.
  • Please only pickup your own t-shirts! This is important as we had people get other people’s t-shirts and not turn them over in a timely fashion.
  • If you must have someone else pick up your staff t-shirt, you MUST send an email to, or give the person picking up your t-shirt a note saying they are allowed to pick it up.
  • Remember, the t-shirts cost money, so if you don’t want one, check no on your staff registration, or update your preferences to indicate you don’t want one.

Extra Staff T-Shirts

  • I will have order forms at the November and December ConCom meetings.
  • The deadline for ordering extra staff t-shirts is December 14th, 2013 at the end of the meeting.
  • They will be $10.00 each.
  • They must be paid for at the time the form is turned in.
  • We will only take cash and checks.
  • These staff t-shirts are only for Norwescon staff who have qualified for the free t-shirt.
Norwescon Secretary