Movie News & Previews Are On The March!

Each year at Norwescon the most popular panel programs are Keith & Alan’s Movie News and Previews. We highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges and also the wider entertainment culture; TV shows, home video, theme parks — the whole gamut! And for our fans of the Previews, we bring in da swag!

At NWC36: Viscera

Coming up at Norwescon 36: Viscera, a non-profit devoted to expanding opportunities for women filmmakers in the contemporary genre, presents a selection of horror films. 17+ only, some content rated R.

Wedding Party at the End of the Universe

Have you ever wanted a fannish wedding? Now is your chance! In honor of marriage equality coming to Washington State, Norwescon is hosting a wedding extravaganza! Join us for the Wedding Party at the End of the Universe in Maxi’s Ballroom on Saturday, March 30 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We will have cake!

If you would like to get legally hitched, follow the instructions below; or bring your already-significant other(s) to make or renew vows without all that legal stuff. Slots are limited, so please RSVP early to to get on our schedule. Guests, well-wishers, and spectators of all ages are welcome, but keep in mind that this will be in a convention space and Norwescon badges will be required for entry. Costumes and finery are not required, but please: no Betazed wedding attire.

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