Norwescon 45 Art Show Awards

The Norwescon Art Show is proud to announce this year’s Art Show Award winners. We would like to thank all of our artists for their outstanding contribution to this year’s show.

Judges Choices:

Best in Show: Alan M. Clark: Mr. Macklin, the Bonehill Ghost
1st place: Grace P. Fong: The River That Walks
2nd Place: Jeff Sturgeon: Unbelievable
3rd place: Kayla Klassy: Voodoo Cauldron
Best Color: Theresa Mather: Treasure Hunters
Best Black & White: The Creeping Moon: Map of White Hollow
Best Mixed Media: Sarah Clemens: Sam
Best 3D: Lisa Snellings: Apocalypse Horsemen Set of Four
Best Textile: Cleothyla: Keeper of the Keys
Best Jewelry: Victoria Shaffer: Over the Rainbow
Artist GoH Pick: Theresa Mather: Valkyries’ Ride

People’s Choice Awards:

Best Humor: Sarah Clemens: Magnus & Loki: Tuna Cookies
Best Horror: Alan M. Clark: Mr. Macklin, the Bonehill Ghost
Best Sci-Fi: Michael Brugger: Payment Due
Best 3-D/Jewelry: Victoria Shaffer: Frozen Waterfall
Best Fantasy: Brittany Torres: The Watch of Hades
Best in Show: Brittany Torres: The Watch of Hades

We would also like to thank this year’s panel of Judges: Grace P. Fong, Don Lacky, Douglas Herring, and Jeff LaCoss for their generous time and knowledge in helping judge this year’s show. And a big thank you to all of the members who took the time to vote for the People’s Choice Awards.

We would like to congratulate this year’s recipient of the Art Show Apprentice award, Sally Woehrle.