2023 Speculative Film Festival Winners

The 2023 Speculative Film Festival happened Thursday and Friday nights. We showed 37 short films from 13 countries over two nights. The film quality was so good the judges hard a hard time selecting the winners, so this year we are giving two Judges’ Choice awards:

  • Fetch, directed by Sam Gill, New Zealand
  • La Nueva (The Newcomer), directed by Ivan Villamel, Spain

The judges would also like to give an Honorable Mention to:

  • All is Well, directed by Elaine del Valle, United States

The Audience Choice was also split between two films:

  • The Post, directed by Antonio Souto Fraguas, United States
  • The Operator, directed by Matt Riley, United Kingdom

Congratulations to our winners, and a huge thank you to all the filmmakers who submitted their films.