News from Norwescon 43: Nov 16 2020

This entry was published on November 16, 2020 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Announcing the GoH Tea Party

This year, Norwescon is thrilled to offer a new and exciting guest of honor event, the GoH Tea Party. The GoH Tea Party will provide a great way to spend time with our honored guests in an intimate setting. In addition to the opportunity to hang out with our GoHs, each attendee will have a special package shipped to them containing hand-selected teas, a commemorative Norwescon mug, and a delicious baked good from a local pastry chef. This event is open to all Norwescon members. Tickets are available now for only $35 through the convention registration kiosk.

GOH Spotlight: Dr. Susan Langley

NWC43 Science Guest of Honor Susan Langley

Dr. Langley is the State Underwater Archaeologist for Maryland, a Dive Safety Officer, and a Master Scuba Diver Trainer through PADI. She received her B.A. in anthropology from the University of Toronto with a minor in Far Eastern Art and Architecture, her M.A. and Ph.D. in archaeology, and a Certificate in Heritage Resource Management from the University of Calgary. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses for several colleges and universities on maritime archaeology and the anthropology of piracy. In addition to maritime archaeology and the history and anthropology of piracy, she is a recognized authority on textiles and beekeeping, both past and present. We look forward to hearing about her many adventures at the convention!

Norwescon Writers Workshop Deadline Extended to January 1, 2021

The Norwescon Writers Workshop is open to attending members of Norwescon 43, and is held during each of the four days of the convention, April 1-4, 2021. It is a Milford-style workshop: a peer-to-peer critique facilitated by professional writers, editors, and agents. Critique sessions will be held online.

All writers workshop participants must purchase a convention membership; there are no additional fees to enter. We accept one manuscript submission per attendee, either a short story or a novel excerpt in the science fiction, fantasy, or horror genres.

The workshop’s aim is to encourage the development of genre writers toward publication. We welcome participation of all skill levels from first-timers to seasoned veterans, age 18 and up. Writers of all
backgrounds, physical abilities, and from traditionally marginalized groups are encouraged to apply!

Moderators will be announced soon. Watch the workshop page for updates.