A Note On Our Anti-Harassment Policy

This entry was published on October 8, 2018 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

To our members, staff, and volunteers,

With the recent events that have been dominating the news over the past few weeks, we wanted to take a few moments to emphasize Norwescon’s commitment to ensuring that our convention is comfortable for everyone. Whether an attendee or one of the many people who volunteer both at the convention and throughout the year, we want to make sure we are a welcoming and safe space for fans and fandom.

Our harassment policy was introduced in 2013, before Norwescon 37, and is published each year in our membership materials, as well as being available year-round on our website. As the policy says:

Norwescon strives to provide a safe and welcoming space for persons of all descriptions. Everyone should be able to have a great time, in their own way, at the convention—but not at the expense of others. As a community, we insist on behavior that respects the autonomy of each individual member.

Norwescon members and convention staff have the right to be free from unwanted harassment at the convention and while performing convention-related duties throughout the year.

While we sincerely hope that nobody in our community experiences harassment at Norwescon or any related event (or anywhere else, for that matter), if an incident should arise, we encourage you to let us know. You are invited to contact the Personnel Executive, the Vice-Chair, the Chair, or convention security. Any convention staff member can assist you with this as well; staff are required to convey reports to the Personnel Executive or convention security as soon as possible.

Norwescon’s Executive Team, and the convention as a whole, is committed to making our convention, monthly ConCom planning meetings, and all convention-associated activities safe for all who attend.

Our best to you all,

The Norwescon 42 Executive Team