Masquerade Registration is Open

This entry was published on March 16, 2018 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Costumers — masquerade registration is open!

This is the highlight of the convention Saturday night and we would like to invite you to participate in the Norwescon 41 masquerade. It is open to all convention members of all costuming skill levels and is held on Saturday night of the convention. This is your chance to shine and strut your stuff for a standing room only audience.

Please head over to our Masquerade info page for more details, rules, and the registration link!

8 thoughts on “Masquerade Registration is Open”

  1. Questions about the Rising Star class. My daughter Alita wants to wear her first self-made costume all Saturday and compete with it at the Masquerade. Is this permissible or does the unwritten rule about hall costumes in the masquerade hold?

  2. Hail Captain – Con Newbie here, I would like to enter the Masquerade and have a couple of questions. 1. Can I use another person as a prop. 2. Can we enter from opposite sides of the stage. How long is our stage time?

  3. Sorry another question, I also have an entry for the one pattern contest do I have time to change for the one pattern presentation and then change back for the masquerade contest winners announcement. Is it possible to do both?

    • Howdy Con Newbie! I’ve passed your questions along to the Masquerade director. If I get a copy of the answers I’ll post them here, otherwise they should be getting ahold of you directly soon. Thanks much!

  4. I’m considering entering masquerade for the first time but the costume I want to enter does use a dress I bought second hand which has been altered. Does that fall under rule #6 regarding purchased costumes? Also, some of the alteration has been done by my daughter who won’t be there, but I’m happy to credit her work. Will my costume be admissible? Thanks!

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