ALERT: Oct. Meeting Weather Announcement

This entry was published on October 13, 2016 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Update, Saturday Morning, 10/15:

Given that the weather forecasts have pushed back the likely start of today’s storm to 3PM with the height of the storm not hitting until evening, we are going to go ahead and have our meeting.

As stated earlier, please use your own best judgment as to what is doable for you. We all come from different areas, and we all understand if you feel like you cannot make the meeting. You are the best judge of what is doable for you!

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As many of you are aware, there is a big storm headed this way and due to start on Thursday. By Saturday, most weather people are predicting a very nasty storm with significant rain and high winds.

We are monitoring the weather so far and, at this point, we still plan to have our meeting on Saturday. HOWEVER, this meeting could end up canceled on Saturday morning if the weather is too dangerous for people to be on the roads.

We will let people know by 9AM on Saturday if the meeting is going to be canceled. We will do so via social media (Facebook and Twitter), our ConCom Google group, and a post on the main page of the website. If you have not heard by 9AM on Saturday that the meeting is canceled, then it will still be happening.

If you feel like your drive to the meeting is not safe for you, please stay home. We all will totally and completely understand. We come from different parts and some of us have much longer drives than others. You are the best judge of what is doable for you. We’ll keep everyone up to date with what happened at the meeting.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

Kathy Bond
Chair Norwescon 40