Keith & Alan’s Movie News & Previews are Back!

This entry was published on February 25, 2016 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Celebrating our 10th year, Alan Halfhill and partner Keith Johnson are delighted to bring our unique brand of Movie Previews & News back to Norwescon. We commit countless hours of behind-the-scenes toil to bring you the latest movie news, rumors, and trailers out of Hollywood and beyond.

But we’re so much more than that. We highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges and also the wider entertainment culture: TV shows, home video, theme parks–the whole gamut!  And for our fans of the previews, we bring in da swag! Whatever we get from the studios or publicity agencies we pass on to you, our loyal fans. Now how much would you pay?

But take note–there is only ONE SHOW this year. And it’s early: Friday 10 a.m. in Grand 3. So get to bed early Thursday night, set your alarm, and grab your orange juice and bagel for your weekend’s dose of full-frontal media mayhem!