NWC38 Election Results and Executive Committee

This entry was published on June 10, 2014 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Our congratulations go out to our newly elected officers for Norwescon 38: Kathy Bond (Chair) and Sunny Jim Morgan (Vice Chair), and to Alexis Smith and Gregory Gadow for their spots on the GoH selection committee!

We are also happy to announce the full executive team for Norwescon 38!

Chair – Kathy Bond
Vice-Chair – Jamie Morgan
Business Director – Eric Weber
Treasurer – Tim Ketron
Member Services – Jeanine Swanson
Convention Services – Josh Keegan
Secretary – Katrina Marier
Programming – Loree Parker
Special Events – Alan Bond
Publications – Don Glover
Personnel – Shawna Batty

We are all looking forward to working to put together another excellent year at Norwescon. If you would like to join the Norwescon family and help plan and create Norwescon 38, you’re welcome to join us at our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on July 20th, or keep an eye on this website and our social media outlets for information on our planning meetings starting this fall!

The Norwescon 38 elections for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and the two elected seats on the Guest of Honor selection committee were held on Saturday, May 17th, at the Norwescon 37 post-convention meeting.

Full results were announced by Norwescon elections coordinator Doug Booze to the convention committee on the morning of May 18th.

Thank you to election committee members Ali Grieve and William Sadorus, and to everyone who participated in this year’s election.