Norwescon Supports Northwest Harvest

This entry was published on April 12, 2014 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Norwescon is once again supporting the efforts of Northwest Harvest, Washington State’s largest resource for hunger relief efforts. We will have a donation bin in the lobby for shelf-stable food donations. We will also have items to bid on in Sunday’s auction. All funds raised on these items will go to NW Harvest, so please come check out our donations — you could get a great deal and help this wonderful organization at the same time! Finally, our charity liaison, Phillip Buff, and the lovely Willow Clark will be accepting cash donations ($2.00 minimum). While supplies last, con-goers can get our special ribbon by finding Phillip or Willow and donating to Northwest Harvest.