At NWC36: Save/Destroy the World Double Feature

This entry was published on March 18, 2013 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!

Coming up at Norwescon 36: Saturday Double Feature!

Which Technology Will SAVE THE WORLD?
(Saturday, 8pm, Cascade 3&4)

Obviously technology will SAVE THE WORLD, but which one will be the most important? Come help our panelists determine what technology will be Mankind’s Last Best Hope. Then see them defend it in “No, You Fools! Your Technology Will DESTROY THE WORLD!”

Kurt Cagle (M), Alan Boyle, Arthur Bozlee, David Nasset, Sr.

No, You Fools! Your Technology Will DESTROY THE WORLD!

The world is doomed, and trying to stop it with Technology will only make it worse. Come see the choice of “Which Technology WILL SAVE THE WORLD?” be refuted with sound logic, tight reasoning, and, if needed, mobs armed with torches and pitchforks. All torches and pitchforks must be peace-bonded, and meet the appropriate Convention guidelines.

Kurt Cagle (M), Alan Boyle, Darryl Aoki, David Shoemaker, Matthew ‘Fish’ Dockrey

3 thoughts on “At NWC36: Save/Destroy the World Double Feature”

    • Technology is an array of tools designed to help people get things done. It often looks intelligent and it sometimes seems to hover on the brink, but is really is not smart. It is designed to extend human reach, and if we ultimately avoid disaster, it will play a huge role. But only people — or god(s) — can prevent the many apocalypses facing us. Neither party has much or a record.


  1. Technology will continue to save us from the run-of-the-mill disasters that would have wiped us out many times over by now until our hubris finally gets the better of us and create the next technological advancement that is much more powerful or adaptable than we expected and that one finally destroys us. With luck we’ll have other worlds in the mix by then.

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