Single Pattern Contest Patterns Chosen

Norwescon WebsiteBlog, Norwescon 44, Single Pattern Contest

Whether you’ve had a hard day of work or a delightful evening out, nothing beats coming home, shedding your coat and shoes, and hanging up your hat. Our Single Pattern Contest judges are prepared to be dazzled and amazed by your versions of this year’s patterns, Simplicity 8361 & Simplicity 8713.

Call for Pros and Panel Ideas

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Programming

Call for panel ideas and pro applications!

It takes a village to organize a world-class science fiction and fantasy convention and we depend on hundreds of people to make Norwescon go each year. Here are two ways you can get involved and contribute in these areas!

Introducing the Norwescon Writers Workshop

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Programming

2019 will mark a new beginning with the Norwescon Writers Workshop (NWW). The workshop’s mission is the development of writerly skills, teaching the do’s and don’ts along the road to being published, and the deepening of communities.

Artist Workshop Applications are Open

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Norwescon 41, Programming

Have you reached a point with your art that begs for more? At the Artist Workshop you can get the feedback you need to help you grow as an artist. You’ll get real advice from follow artists who are professionals in their field.

Workshops and Youth Programming

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Programming

Every day brings us a little bit closer to Norwescon 40, and while we still have a few finishing touches to put on our full programming schedule before it’s announced to the world, we’re happy to debut our Workshops and our Youth Programming!

Norwescon 40 Artist Workshop

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Norwescon 40, Programming

You’ve reached a point with your art that begs for the next step…only, what is that step? Boy, do we have a workshop for you! There is something for everyone at every level.