Norwescon ConCom Staff Information

Please note: Items posted on this page are primarily intended for members of the Norwescon Convention Committee. There’s nothing confidential or private here, so if you’re curious, feel free to browse around even if you’re not part of our ConCom. Or, of course, come join us at one of our monthly ConCom meetings and be a part of Norwescon’s inner workings!

This page last updated May 17, 2022 @ 7:53 pm.


The Norwescon Bylaws as adopted on May 11, 2019 are available here (90KB .pdf).

Policies and Procedures

The Norwescon Policies and Procedures document (v 15.1) is available here (1.5 MB .pdf).

Position Interest Form

If you already know what you’d like to do to help us put Norwescon 45 together, please let us know here! If you don’t know what you’d like to do, email or come to one of our planning meetings (when they start up again) and we’ll help you figure that out!

Please use this form to submit your request.

Publications Requests

Need to send something in to Publications so we can announce it to the world, update a page on the website or add something new, add it to our program book, or anything along those lines? Make sure you’re giving us everything we need by filling out this form; we’ll give it an editorial pass and then make sure it gets where it needs to go.

Documentation Wiki

We have started the process of building a documentation wiki for documenting non-confidential internal processes and procedures. This is still in the very early stages, so content is just being added. If you are a current ConCom member and would like to contribute to this project, please email to request editing access.

Google Group Instructions

Please make sure you are signed up for the Norwescon ConCom mailing list! We manually add staff to this mailing list whenever possible, but missing or changed email addresses can sometimes result in people not being added or not receiving messages.

To make sure you are part of the group:

  1. Go to the norwescon-concom Google group and sign in with your Google credentials OR the email address you believe should be getting messages from the group.
  2. If you see messages, then you’re in and should be getting messages. If you’re not sure you’re getting messages, click on “My membership settings” on the left sidebar and verify your email settings (address and how frequently updates are sent to you).
  3. If you see a “You don’t have permission to access this content” message, you are not a member of the group. Please click on the “Contact owners and managers” link to send an email requesting access to the group. Please be sure to include your name, department, and position in the email so we can verify your eligibility.

NWC44 ConCom Meeting Documents

Agendas and any necessary supplemental documents for ConCom meetings will be posted here within the week prior to each meeting; minutes from this year’s ConCom meetings will be posted following each month’s meeting.

September 18 ConCom

October 16 ConCom

November 20 ConCom

December 11 ConCom

January 16 ConCom

February 5 ConCom

March 19 ConCom

April 2 ConCom

Join us on Zoom! Department breakouts 10am-noon, main meeting at noon.

NWC44 Meeting Schedule

This year’s meetings will be held virtually until it is safe to hold in-person meetings again.

Our meetings this year will be held starting at 10 a.m. on the following Saturdays: