Norwescon 44: #AllVaxxed #AllMasked
Norwescon is more than just a convention: it is a community. As such, we all have a duty to protect each other and keep our community safe.
Norwescon 44 is requiring all attending members to show proof of full vaccination and wear a mask at all times while in convention space, unless actively eating or drinking within the convention lounge or hotel food outlets. At registration, you will be required to provide proof of vaccination, with the final shot received on or before March 31, 2022, to obtain your badge.
We are capping attendance at 1,000 people; this includes members, guests, panelists, performers, and staff. There are fewer panel rooms, with some rooms combined to allow for larger spaces and less compact seating to maintain social distancing. Balcony doors and windows will be kept open in panel rooms to increase airflow (if it’s a cool spring, pack sweaters). The DoubleTree is providing hand sanitizing stations throughout the hotel and will offer housekeeping only by request to reduce personal contact.
As of March 10, in-person memberships are sold out. To request placement on our waitlist, contact registration. To include our members who are unable to attend in-person due to the attendance cap or health restrictions, we are offering a virtual option this year, using the same Airmeet platform that was used for Norwescon 43. The virtual option will stream three stages of content from the live con and provide virtual tables and spaces for socializing among the virtual attendees. Membership for our virtual option is free (with options for donations).
If you have questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines available, please check out this great web page from the CDC: Myths and Facts about the COVID-19 vaccines.
What about people who can’t be vaccinated?
We’re sorry you won’t be able to attend in person this year. While we recognize there are individuals who cannot be vaccinated, we will not make exceptions to the policy. This includes persons who have medical reasons for not being vaccinated and children who are under the age of vaccine approval.
To include our members who are unable to attend in-person due to the attendance cap or health restrictions, we are offering a free virtual option this year, with up to three rooms of content available for live-stream.
Will you refund my membership if I can’t attend because I’m not vaccinated?
Yes. If you or a member of your family cannot be vaccinated, and therefore you cannot attend, we will refund your membership. Please contact registration@norwescon.org.
What do you mean by “fully vaccinated”?
To be considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you must have received the second shot of a two-dose mRNA vaccine (such as Moderna and Pfizer) or a single dose vaccine (such as Johnson & Johnson) no later than March 31, 2022, which is two weeks prior to the start of Norwescon 44.
We also strongly recommend having received your booster shot (third shot in a Moderna/Pfizer sequence, or second shot in a Johnson & Johnson sequence).
What do you accept as proof of vaccination?
We will accept your original vaccination record card, official electronic documentation (digital file or QR code as generated by the WA Verify system), or a clear, legible photo of your original vaccination record card.
For our out-of-state (or out-of-country) members: We are using the SMART Health Card Verifier app to check QR codes for digital records. We have tested and verified QR codes from Colorado and British Columbia. As long as your local system ties into the SMART verification system, your QR code should work fine (but we hesitate to make an unqualified guarantee; make your packing decisions accordingly).
How serious are you about this mask thing?
COVID-19 vaccines are an important tool to help stop the pandemic, but we are requiring masks as an additional precaution. Properly worn masks covering nose and mouth are required for all convention members and guests in all convention spaces, except when actively eating or drinking. Failure to comply will be considered a Code of Conduct violation and may result in your badge being revoked.
How are you handling the 1,000 person cap?
The 1,000 person cap is simply being tracked by how many memberships we have sold (including staff, and with some set aside for guests, pros, and performers). There is no lottery or any other methodology. If you already have a membership, you’re good! If you don’t have a membership, contact registration and ask to be placed on our wait list.
Will the Art Show and Dealers' Room still be open to the public?
Yes, they will. As in past years, our Art Show and Dealers’ Room will be open to the public. However, we will still require masks and proof of vaccination to enter these spaces. Non-members who wish to visit either area will be asked to stop by our Registration area to provide proof of vaccination, at which time they will be given a wristband allowing entrance into these areas.
This page last updated