NWC37 Saturday Banner

What follows is a listing of all panels and events planned for Saturday, April 16th. The program grid is also available (54KB .pdf).

Individual times are listed in Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT). For the convenience of our virtual members joining us from elsewhere, headers marking Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) are included.

Items being streamed to our virtual platform are marked with the Airmeet logo (Airmeet Logo). All streaming events for the weekend are listed together on the streaming schedule page.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here, or jump directly to ThursdayFriday, or Sunday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. Last updated Apr 15, 2022 @ 10:04 pm.

8 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemAll-Ages Open Games/Games Library
Maxi’s Ballroom
8 a.m.–2 a.m.
Come check out games from our lending library. We have card games, board games, and so much more! Need accessibility assistance for a game? Please speak to our staff so we can be sure to meet your needs.
Link to this itemSaturday Pre-Masquerade Meeting
Evergreen 3 & 4
8–9 a.m.
If you would like to enter the masquerade, you must attend one of three pre-masquerade meetings: for regular entrants Friday at noon or Saturday at 8 a.m., and for children on Saturday at 5 p.m. We will discuss your tech needs and introduction, and confirm what you want the master of ceremonies to say about your entry. If you are curious and have any questions, we will have the answers.
Johanna Mead (M), Richard Stephens
Link to this itemAll-Ages Scheduled Games
Rotunda 1; Rotunda 2
8 a.m.–2 a.m.
Sign up for a game run by our volunteers. We have role-playing games, LARPs, card games, board games, and so much more! Need accessibility assistance for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.

10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Victoria Shaffer
Cascade 3
10–10:30 a.m.
By the Moon Blessed. Rated G.
Victoria Shaffer (M)
Link to this itemFree Narnia! Decolonizing Fantasy
Cascade 7 & 8
10–11 a.m.
Building the history of an entirely different world (called “secondary worldbuilding”) has its challenges—and its opportunities. From N.K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth trilogy to Robert Jackson Bennett’s Divine Cities trilogy to stories that envision non-colonized worlds, how does this genre challenge, undercut, or circumvent colonialist narratives? How are writers from colonized communities and their diasporas using fantasy to push back against narratives of colonization as an inevitable, necessary, or even positive force?
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Kate Ristau, Adrienne Dellwo, Sheye Anne Blaze
Link to this itemAll Aboard the U.S.S. Space Opera
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
10–11 a.m.
Space opera, originally rooted in serial storytelling (movie, television, print), has a long history of capturing readers’ imaginations and blending the best parts of science fiction, fantasy, and adventure. Join our panel to discuss what makes a space opera, the importance of the genre in speculative fiction, and why it endures through the decades.
Rhiannon Held (M), David D. Levine, Brenda Cooper, Nancy Kress
Link to this itemWriters’ Dilemma: To Surprise or Betray
Cascade 11
10–11 a.m.
Genres create certain expectations for certain books. When a writer defies expectations, audience reactions can range from “what a clever twist!” to “I feel cheated.” How do authors balance this? Do writers intentionally betray genre expectations? Does it work? Which stories and writers manage to defy genre expectations without alienating readers?
Louise Marley (M), Carol Berg, Joseph Brassey
Link to this itemMaking Money from Your Art
Cascade 12
10–11 a.m.
There are more ways to sell your art than to sell the physical item you created. Whether it’s original prints such as woodcuts, giclee prints from digital originals, patterns, licenses, Patreon, or even NFTs, we’ll cover ways to turn your art into cold, hard cash.
Ethan Vodde (M), Vandy H. Hall, Brittany Torres, Jeff Sturgeon
Link to this itemPass the Story
Olympic 1
10–11 a.m.
Working together to build a story is exciting, particularly when you don’t know what is coming next. We’ll work as a group to create a story with the help of our friends! Sign up in Olympic 1. Writers ages 11-19 welcome with the help of an adult.
Mike Jack Stoumbos (M), Sonja Thomas, Camden Rose
Link to this itemIncluding Marginalized Creatives
Olympic 3
10–11 a.m.
Do you want the publishing industry to include more marginalized creatives? What barriers are currently in place, and how do we break them down? What can you do to help?
Xander Odell (M), Eva L. Elasigue, Annie Carl, Benjamin Gorman
Link to this itemRoman Legionary Gladius and Scutum
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
10–11:30 a.m.
This is a hands-on combat demonstration. Teams of 20 or more participants, each equipped with wooden gladius (sword) and regulation scutum (shield), will learn and practice basic Roman legionary combat skills in a safe, supervised environment. Learn what it’s like to stand in the Roman line. Instructors will provide training swords and shields for participants. Legionaries will be attacked by barbarians.
Maj. James Franklin (Ret.) (M), Agathon McGeachy, Sven Red Beard
Link to this itemPOC Safer Space Opens
Cascade 4
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Link to this itemAutograph Session 1
Evergreen 1 & 2
10–11 a.m.
Our guests of honor and attending professionals are available to sign autographs. Please note: So that as many fans as possible can participate, we will enforce a three-items-at-a-time (or single-sketch) autograph limit.
Cat Rambo, Jack Skillingstead, Berlynn Wohl, Laura Anne Gilman, Curtis C. Chen, Evan J. Peterson, Julie McGalliard, GregRobin Smith, Gabe (G.S.) Denning, Brianna Tibbetts, Amanda Hamon, Heather S. Ransom, Sara A Mueller, Connor Alexander, Rob Carlos, Patrick Swenson, Lydia K. Valentine
Link to this itemReading: Mark Teppo
Cascade 3
10:30–11 a.m.
In the Mansion of Madness (Choose Your Own Demise novel). Mark Teppo will lead an interactive reading of In the Mansion of Madness, one of his new Night Office novels, in which you experience the horrible horrors and terrible terrors of being a Night Office closer. It’s your job to make sure no space jelly escapes! Do you have what it takes to be a Night Office field operative? (Warning: There are more than 48 ways to die in this novel.) Rated PG.
Mark Teppo

11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Sara A. Mueller
Cascade 3
11–11:30 a.m.
The Bone Orchard. The Bone Orchard is a lush, gothic fantasy in which a dying emperor charges his favorite concubine with solving his own murder and preventing the culprit, undoubtedly one of his three terrible sons, from taking control of an empire. If the concubine can do this last thing and survive, she will have her freedom… but will she choose freedom or revenge? Rated PG.
Sara A Mueller (M)
Link to this itemThe Horrors of the Deep
Cascade 5 & 6
From Cthulhu and the kraken to the Loch Ness monster and Jaws, sea creatures have long inspired terror and fascination. Our panelists discuss their favorite aquatic monsters and how they have been used well (and poorly) in different media.
Laura Anne Gilman (M), Xander Odell, Leigh Harlen, Corbo Cosplay, Gordon B. White
Link to this itemWhy Does Science Change?
Cascade 7 & 8
We want a final answer, but while science is the search for it, the final answer is likely a MacGuffin.
Colette Breshears (M), Leanna Cosplay, James “Pigeon” Fielder, Ph.D., Dave Davis
Link to this itemDames, Damsels, & Dynamite
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
The young ladies of young adult literature are seldom well-behaved. What empowers these budding women? What are the secrets to their success? It’s more than just dynamite or lacing up combat boots. This panel will help tell us what makes these women explode out of the pages and into our hearts.
Heather S. Ransom (M), Jay Boyce, Marta Murvosh
Link to this itemCostume Pattern Libraries
Cascade 11
Join our panelists as they look at making historic costumes using patterns from the past, and discuss what works, what doesn’t, and why.
Carmen Beaudry (M), Richard Stephens, Theresa Halbert, Julie Zetterberg
Link to this itemFuture Foods: What Do the Next Steps of Nutrition Hold?
Cascade 12
While soylent is neither green nor made of people (we think), it is a real product feeding real people. Mimic meats have gotten good enough to be sold in fast-food restaurants. Vats of lab-grown cells are filled to the brim, promising a clean and sustainable replacement to current fishing and agricultural industries. This panel will discuss present and future food technology.
Dr. Ricky (M), Wm Salt Hale, Dr. Sean Robinson
Link to this itemThe Fermi Paradox and the Drake Equation
Cascade 13
Is life rare in the cosmos, or just intelligence? Enrico Fermi asked, “Where is everybody?” Later, Dr. Frank Drake came up with his famous equation to estimate the number of active and communicating civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, an equation that has been referenced in scientific articles, science fiction stories, and even comedy TV series. Let’s get together and see if we can figure this thing out once and for all!
Alan Boyle (M), Jon Lasser, Izzy Wasserstein
Link to this itemMonster Myth Making
Olympic 1
Come be your own Dr. Moreau and find out how to create monsters for your stories! Younger Frankensteins will need the help of an adult Igor. Sign up in Olympic 1. All ages welcome.
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Camden Rose, Sonja Thomas
Link to this itemThe Technology and Magic of Bamboo
Olympic 2
Bamboo is an amazing plant and an even more amazing material. The plant creates terrain, dominates environments, and feeds pandas. The material has and can make, well, almost anything. Come see how bamboo is worked, and leave with some samples.
Mike Brennan (M)
Link to this itemReconsidering the Mary Sue
Olympic 3
Mary Sues. We’ve heard a lot about them, and they’re considered one of the most egregious aspects of fanfic. But are they? Why do people get so bent out of shape about self-insert or “too perfect” characters? Are they only found in fanfic? Why are female characters so often singled out? And what, honestly, makes a Sue a Sue?
Victoria Shaffer (M), Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Berlynn Wohl
Link to this itemAutograph Session 2
Evergreen 1 & 2
Our guests of honor and attending professionals are available to sign autographs. Please note: So as many fans as possible can participate, we will enforce a three-items-at-a-time (or single-sketch) autograph limit.
Carol Berg, Brenda Cooper, Rhiannon Held, Patrick Swenson, Joseph Malik, Joseph Brassey, Eva L. Elasigue, Louise Marley, Connor Alexander, Nancy Kress, David D. Levine, Rob Carlos, Cat Rambo, Lydia K. Valentine, Jeff Sturgeon
Link to this itemReading: Brianna Tibbetts
Cascade 3
Head Over Tails. Young adult contemporary fantasy romance. Jacob didn’t ask to fall in love with a mermaid or to have her disappear, but when he seeks treatment for his “hallucination,” a very real mermaid is forced to face the human world on her own. Rated PG.
Brianna Tibbetts (M)
Link to this itemBroadsword Basics: How to Stand, Walk, Turn, Block, and Cut Like a Real Knight
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
11:30–12:30 p.m.
A hands-on class taught by an SCA knight with more than 30 years of experience. We’ll review armor, weapons, defenses, and attacks. How does the weight of your armor affect your posture and stance? How can a 2-4 pound broadsword move quickly enough to defeat your opponent? How hard do you have to strike to penetrate armor? Where does that power come from?
D.L. Solum (M), Agathon McGeachy, Sven Red Beard

Noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Shweta Adhyam
Cascade 3
noon–12:30 p.m.
To Conquer Time. Vandana sees off her daughter on the adventure of a lifetime, setting off on a colony ship to a planet 14 light years away. Because of time dilation, it will be decades before she has news of her daughter. What can she do until then? Rated G.
Shweta Adhyam (M)
Link to this itemSingle Pattern Contest: Judging
Cascade 5 & 6
noon–1 p.m.
Register your entries into the Single Pattern Contest and present them to the panel of judges. This year’s patterns are Simplicity 8361 Hats in Three Sizes and Simplicity 8713 Men’s Hats in Three Sizes. We can’t wait to see your one-of-a-kind creations! Awards will be given in categories including best in show (workmanship), best use of convention theme, judges’ favorite, best novice, and people’s choice. For complete rules, visit the Single Pattern Contest page.
Richard Stephens (M), Kier Salmon, Melissa Quinn
Link to this itemThe Evolution of Superheroes
Cascade 7 & 8
noon–1 p.m.
Comic books, with their four-color printing and low resolution, created iconic looks for their heroes (and villains) to be easy to tell apart. Movie costume designers have to find ways to make these iconic designs look less, well, silly in the real world. Let’s talk about the historical arc of the hero costume and what it takes to build the current crop of super gear.
Corbo Cosplay (M), Gabe (G.S.) Denning, Torrey Stenmark, Leanna Cosplay
Link to this itemRepresenting Disability in Fantasy
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
noon–1 p.m.
From Game of Thrones to The Lord of the Rings to How to Train Your Dragon and beyond, panelists will examine how disability is dealt with in fantasy settings and discuss the types of representation they would like to see to show that disability is just one life among many.
Annie Carl (M), Adrienne Dellwo, Joseph Malik, Zamesta Cosplay
Link to this itemFinding Your Publishing Community
Cascade 11
noon–1 p.m.
Writing is for the most part a solitary pursuit. How can we find (or build) places where we can find support and share a sense of community despite that isolation? Our publishing professionals talk about places they have found these communities and the different forms those communities take.
Marta Murvosh (M), Jay Boyce, Rhiannon Held
Link to this itemRepresenting Neurodiversity
Cascade 12
noon–1 p.m.
While we are slowly beginning to learn the complexities of neurodiversity as a society, we have far to go in terms of accurate information, acceptance, and representation. What is neurodiversity, and what are the different ways that it can be expressed? Is neurodiversity being accurately represented in movies, television shows, books, and games, or are they simply reinforcing negative and outdated stereotypes? How can we do better? Let’s learn about how to work toward better recognition and representation of neurodiversity.
Sar Surmick (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Alaina Ewing, J. Komp
Link to this itemHabits of Writers: Fanfic Edition
Cascade 13
noon–1 p.m.
Fic writers face the same challenges as other writers: Where do you get your ideas? How do you keep yourself focused? How does writing fit into your daily schedule? Other concerns are more specific: Do I post this story as a work in progress or wait until it’s finished? Where should I post it? How do I react to readers’ comments? Our panel of seasoned fic writers will talk about their solutions for writing productively.
Berlynn Wohl (M), Brianna Tibbetts, Mimi Noyes
Link to this itemYoung Adventurers Game Time—Saturday
Olympic 1
noon–1 p.m.
Are tabletop games your thing? Play board and card games here! All ages welcome.
Camden Rose (M)
Link to this itemIntroduction to Space Propulsion
Olympic 3
noon–1 p.m.
This panel will bring everyone up to speed on the ways to reach space and move around up there, including ballistic launchers, electromagnetic fusion ramjets, gravity assist, rockets (antimatter, chemical, cold-gas, electrical, electronic, laser-assisted, and nuclear), sails (electric, magnetic, and photonic), tethers (electrodynamic, elevators, momentum exchange, and skyhooks), and maybe more!
Peter N. Glaskowsky (M), Dave Davis
Link to this itemArt in Action: Scott Simmons
Art Show AiA Station
noon–1 p.m.
Scott Simmons of RedTurkey Spray Art demonstrates stencil cutting, an integral part of his spray art process.
RedTurkey Spray Art (M)
Link to this itemMeetup: Loki Group Photo
Lobby Photo Area
noon–1 p.m.
Group photo time! Show up in your best (or worst) Loki (or Variant) costume for the official convention group photo! Feel free to use your own camera as well.
Link to this itemReading: Jon Lasser
Cascade 3
12:30–1 p.m.
Jon will read short stories chosen by his audience from his works of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Rated R.
Jon Lasser (M)

1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemSingle Pattern Contest: Show & Share
Cascade 5 & 6
1–2 p.m.
Come see the one-of-a-kind creations submitted to the Single Pattern Contest, using the patterns Simplicity 8361 Hats in Three Sizes and Simplicity 8713 Men’s Hats in Three Sizes, and listen to the competitors introduce their entries. Your votes will decide the winner of the people’s choice award.
Richard Stephens (M), Melissa Quinn, Kier Salmon
Link to this itemUsing Reference in Art
Cascade 7 & 8
1–2 p.m.
Good reference, often one of the most overlooked artistic necessities, is essential for any serious artist. You can’t draw something if you don’t know what it looks like. Panelists will discuss the importance of reference, where to find it, and how to make your own if necessary.
Agathon McGeachy (M), Vandy H. Hall, Cait McKinzie, Rob Carlos
Link to this itemSetting the Stage for a Great Campaign—Session 0
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
1–2 p.m.
There are lot of things that go into a fun and successful tabletop role-playing game campaign, including a good story, preparation, and good players. The one thing you really need is a good start. Setting up the world, the characters, and expectations make the players introduction into the world much easier and makes the GM’s life way easier when it comes to managing players, introducing content, and managing inevitable conflicts. Join our panelists for a discussion on what to include, how to bring it up, and tools you can use.
Amanda Hamon (M), Connor Alexander, Sar Sumick
Link to this itemAn Hour of the Strange, Rare, and Unusual—Part 2
Cascade 11
1–2 p.m.
Last year, a group of biologist types assembled for a conversation. This is the continuation. We’re gonna get weird with it. Come join the trip!
Jake McKinzie (M), Charlotte Lewis Brown, Dr. Ricky, Leigh Harlen, Colette Breshears
Link to this itemTurning Points
Cascade 12
1–2 p.m.
If the Battle of Tours (732) had ended differently, the Moorish expansion of Spain might have continued into Northern Europe and altered its history. What are some other powerful turning points and how might history be different as a result?
Sara A Mueller (M), James “Pigeon” Fielder, Ph.D.
Link to this itemThe Costuming Process—Five Steps That Should Never Be Skipped and Why
Cascade 13
1–2 p.m.
Ever wonder why your sewn long seams are crooked or why your hem won’t lay flat? The answer is likely in the way that the fabric and cut pieces are handled before and during the sewing process. Our panel will discuss such concepts as easing and bias, when and when not to use pins, why ironing during construction is so important, and other things that will help the process.
Carmen Beaudry (M), Leanna Cosplay, Janet Borkowski
Link to this itemElementary Mystery Writing
Olympic 1
1–3 p.m.
Mystery writing can be complex, so come learn how to make it easy! We’ll go over the basic elements and how to fit them together to give your reader that “Aha!” moment. Sign up in Olympic 1. (Ages 11-19)
Rebecca A. Demarest (M)
Link to this itemBead Embroidery Basics
Olympic 2
1–3 p.m.
Bead embroidery has long been a way to embellish costume and fashion, going back to prehistoric times. In addition to covering what tools, thread, types of beads, and stabilizers you will need, basic bead embroidery will be covered: stitches: back stitch, stacking, and loops. At the end of the workshop, you will have started a small pouch. Kits are provided. A $5 donation is accepted, but not required. Limited to 16 participants. Sign up at the Info Booth in the lobby.
Theresa Halbert (M), Tamera Mickelson
Link to this itemRadical Self-Love
Olympic 3
1–2 p.m.
Loving our bodies isn’t always easy. When descriptors are thrown around like dirty words, embracing ourselves can feel even harder. In her book The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love, author Sonya Renee Taylor invites readers to explore their indoctrinated shame and find radical self-love. Join panelists as they discuss Sonya’s book and what radical self-love means to them.
Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Sonja Thomas, Lydia K. Valentine
Link to this itemThe World According to Cat Rambo
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
1–2 p.m.
Cat Rambo talks about her writerly journey, how a lifetime of gaming and reading F&SF has shaped that trek, what her volunteer work in the F&SF community has led to, and why Seattle is one of the best cities in the world for writing speculative fiction.
Cat Rambo (M)
Link to this itemArt in Action: Steen Schuler
Art Show AiA Station
1–2 p.m.
Steen Schuler of Steenworks Illustration demonstrates how she uses Photoshop to illustrate Jobbing About the Fort, a board game showing what life was like for kids living at a Hudson’s Bay Company fur trading fort in the 1850s.
Steen Schuler (M)
Link to this itemReading: K.G. Anderson
Cascade 3
1:30–2 p.m.
Wolfspider’s Delusion. Freelance witch Deja Flynn is struggling to hold on to her entry-level gig at the local spell shoppe run by the fearsome Madame Mocheveska. So why are she and Mabel, her feline familiar, breaking into the spell shoppe in the middle of the night to get ingredients to make Wolfspider’s Delusion? Rated G.
K.G. Anderson (M)

2 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT / 9 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Curtis C. Chen
Cascade 3
2–2:30 p.m.
Skeins. Skins meets Harry Potter plus talking birds. Hijinx guaranteed. Rated PG-13.
Curtis C. Chen (M)
Link to this itemThe Coming Population Peak and Plunge
Cascade 5 & 6
2–3 p.m.
Many prognosticators agree that the world’s population will peak around 2050 at approximately 9.77 billion and will begin a decline. The demographics of this population will be radically different than what we see today. How will this affect our culture and the science fiction we try to write?
Brenda Cooper (M), Dr. Sean Robinson, Dorothy Sekabira
Link to this itemMoving Beyond Diversity and Toward Inclusion
Cascade 7 & 8
2–3 p.m.
Fandom has been working on bringing in diversity for years, whether that’s through speakers or topics of discussion. But is diversity enough? Or is the move toward inclusion our next step? Join panelists as they discuss diversity versus inclusion and equality versus equity.
J. Komp (M), Annie Carl, Heather S. Ransom
Link to this itemAdvanced Character Creation
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
2–3 p.m.
Character-creation templates, which new writers can download and use, are everywhere on the internet. But what actually goes into making you feel a character’s wounds and triumphs? How do working writers approach character creation? How do you develop a character hook and do you proceed from there?
Shweta Adhyam (M), Nancy Kress, Louise Marley, Sara A Mueller
Link to this itemBad to the Bone—Let’s Build a Baddie
Cascade 11
2–3 p.m.
Have the villains always been popular characters, or is it only recently that they have been getting their own books and movies? Are we more interested in the villain because we don’t know what they will do, or do we just need good villains to make good heroes? Let’s create an antagonist that everyone wants to play with. Join our panelists as they—with audience participation—create a villain.
Adrienne Dellwo (M), Shannon Anthony, Cait McKinzie, Julie McGalliard
Link to this itemThe Great Space Rush
Cascade 12
2–3 p.m.
There could be seven ways for humans to be launched into space by 2024. Five agencies are already flying: Blue Origin, China, Roscosmos, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic. Boeing’s Starliner could fly its first mission in 2022, and NASA’s Space Launch System could fly a crewed Orion capsule by 2024. Join us to discuss the technology, schedules, and planned flights, and debate which spacecraft are cooler!
Dave Davis (M), Dan Dubrick, Alan Boyle, Peter N. Glaskowsky
Link to this itemHow to Hone Your Craft on a Budget
Cascade 13
2–3 p.m.
It can feel like all the advice for new professionals in the publishing industry involves spending a lot of money on workshops. What are some ways to improve your craft if you can’t afford the time, money, or resources necessary to indulge in a workshop?
Randy Henderson, Rhiannon Held, Alaina Ewing, D.L. Solum
Link to this itemIntellectual Property, Authorship, and Games
Olympic 3
2–3 p.m.
This panel will explore patent, trademark, and copyright, explain how they are applicable to tabletop games and other media, and provide an overview of how intellectual property is protected and enforced. We will also discuss the IP implications of streaming and fan content. Presented by an IP attorney, this panel does not constitute legal advice, but it does contain fun! (No, really.)
Ethan Vodde (M), Jennifer Brozek
Link to this itemFairwood Press: A Look Back and a Look Ahead
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
2–3 p.m.
Publisher and editor Patrick Swenson will share the history of Fairwood Press and Talebones magazine, and titles that will be released soon. You might even score a Fairwood title as a parting gift!
Patrick Swenson (M)
Link to this itemArt in Action: Victoria Shaffer
Art Show AiA Station
2–3 p.m.
Victoria Shaffer demonstrates her hand-embroidering techniques featuring mythical, science-fiction, and fan-favorite motifs.
Victoria Shaffer (M)
Link to this itemReading: Laura Anne Gilman
Cascade 3
2:30–3 p.m.
Uncanny Times. While the Gilded Age reigns in cities across America, there are uncanny things roaming in the shadows. In upstate New York, a brother and sister hunt them… but they themselves are being hunted. Rated PG.
Laura Anne Gilman (M)

3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT / 10 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Gabe (G.S.) Denning
Cascade 3
3–3:30 p.m.
“A Scandal in Boh-Grah-Grah-Grah”. Holmes and Watson face assassination by a Hapsburg squid-monster and match wits with the inimitable Irene Adler. Rated PG.
Gabe (G.S.) Denning (M)
Link to this itemWitchFic Rising: My Blood, Your Blood, Our Blood
Cascade 5 & 6
3–4 p.m.
Whether or not they command true magic power, a witch is defined mostly by their “otherness,” the fact that they don’t fit into a society’s main culture. Be they revered matrons, heroic outcasts, or something more frightening, what makes a good witch story so compelling? Eye of newt and wing of bat not required (but recommended).
Izzy Wasserstein (M), Louise Marley, Kate Ristau
Link to this itemMysticism in Science Fiction
Cascade 7 & 8
3–4 p.m.
Tarot readers, seers/prophets, water witches – is there a place for mystics in science fiction beyond either “psionic power” or “delusional kook?” Are there examples of rigorous scientific exploration of mysticism in sci-fi? How might mysticism and speculation be interlinked, and what books take that interconnection seriously?
Mark Teppo (M), Leigh Harlen, Shweta Adhyam, Tom Whitmore
Link to this itemLet’s Put More “Culture” in Our Pop Culture!
Cascade 11
3–4 p.m.
It’s been too many white-washed decades since Lieutenants Uhura and Sulu set the stage for diversity in our media. We are finally starting to see a turn for the better, with movies and TV shows like Black Panther, Star Trek: Discovery, Cowboy Bebop, and more—but it’s not enough. Let’s talk about why diversity is crucial to the future of popular culture, where we have improved, where we have failed, and which cultures have yet to be properly represented.
Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Kassey Castro, Connor Alexander, Eric L Vargas
Link to this itemPTSD—The Psychological Result of Battle
Cascade 12
3–4 p.m.
Many soldiers feel little residual trauma after participating in battle. Some experience acute emotional distress. Their wartime experiences remain with them, forcing them to periodically relive the horror. What is post-traumatic stress disorder? How has our understanding of it evolved, from “shell shock” to our modern understanding? How has treatment changed?
Agathon McGeachy (M), James “Pigeon” Fielder, Ph.D., Carmen Beaudry, Maj. James Franklin (Ret.)
Link to this itemLeveling Up Your Art
Cascade 13
3–4 p.m.
Our talented artists discuss how to level up your art composition by avoiding common design mistakes, like edge tangents, broken eye lines, and tonal control. Are you ready to go to the next level?
Vandy H. Hall (M), Jeff Sturgeon, Brittany Torres, Rob Carlos
Link to this itemWho Done It
Olympic 1
3–5 p.m.
Do you fancy yourself the best detective of them all? Good, because we sure have a mystery for you! Talk to suspects, look at clues, and solve what happened that fateful night. (Ages 11-19)
Camden Rose (M), Sonja Thomas, Rebecca A. Demarest, Doggo Delvers, Jay Boyce
Link to this itemSlash’em and Spread’em
Olympic 3
3–4 p.m.
Pattern modification seems mystifying, but the slash and spread method is one way to get fabric to the places you need it. In this demo, we’ll discuss assorted common adjustments, including the large bust adjustment, narrow/wide shoulders, and sleeves.
Theresa Halbert (M), Melissa Quinn, Julie Zetterberg
Link to this itemReading: Cat Rambo
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
3–4 p.m.
Writer Guest of Honor Cat Rambo will read for the first time ever from Devil’s Gun, the sequel to her 2021 novel, You Sexy Thing. Rated PG.
Cat Rambo (M)
Link to this itemConcert: Betsy Tinney
Streamed on Airmeet
3–4 p.m.
Betsy Tinney is a cello storyteller. Using her cello and an electronic looper, she weaves rich, colorful, and varied tapestries of sound. Her original cello compositions paint pictures and tell tales, from thunderstorms and skeletal mice to dancing elephants and humpback whales. She and her cello will transport you to places you hadn’t dreamed could exist and won’t want to leave.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Betsy Tinney
Link to this itemReading: Julie McGalliard
Cascade 3
3:30–4 p.m.
Hunting After Ghosts. Julie McGilliard reads from the fourth book in her Tales of the Rougarou series. Rated PG.
Julie McGalliard (M)
Link to this itemMasquerade Participant Check-In & Workmanship Judging
Evergreen 3 & 4
3:30–5 p.m.
If you would like to enter the Masquerade, this is the time for participant check-in and workmanship judging. Participants must be checked in no later than 4:30 p.m. to enter. Workmanship judging ends at 5 p.m. and is optional.
Johanna Mead (M), Silver Kitsune, Melissa Quinn

4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT / 11 p.m. GMT)

Link to this itemReading: Mike Jack Stoumbos
Cascade 3
4–4:30 p.m.
The Signal Out of Space. Welcome to This Fine Crew, an exciting new space opera series by Mike Jack Stoumbos. Our multi-species team ventures across an ice-covered red planet. Rated PG.
Mike Jack Stoumbos (M)
Link to this itemWorldbuilding: Geology
Cascade 5 & 6
4–5 p.m.
Build the rocks, the monsters will come. Build the rocks, the monsters will come. Maybe even monster rocks… or rock monsters… or rock lobsters!
Colette Breshears (M), Michael “Tinker” Pearce, James “Pigeon” Fielder, Ph.D., Eva L. Elasigue
Link to this itemWalk, Trot, Canter
Cascade 7 & 8
4–5 p.m.
Horses move in different gaits when not at full gallop. How are walking, trotting, and cantering different for the horse and the rider? How can you best incorporate them into your writing?
Sara A Mueller (M), Agathon McGeachy
Link to this itemMusic in Writing
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
4–5 p.m.
Music is a powerful storytelling tool on the big screen, but what about on the page? Can reading about music evoke the same emotions that hearing it does? What are different ways to use music in fiction? Panelists discuss their experiences and share their techniques for hitting the right notes in your writing.
Adrienne Dellwo (M), Joseph Malik, Patrick Swenson
Link to this itemFirst Page Idol
Cascade 11
4–5 p.m.
Feeling brave? Want to see how your first page holds up in a cold read? Send the first page of your manuscript to idol@norwescon.org to have it anonymously read aloud and critiqued by a panel of pros.
Curtis C. Chen (M), J. Komp, Brianna Tibbetts, Evan J. Peterson
Link to this itemImposter Syndrome, My Old Friend
Cascade 12
4–5 p.m.
We all feel like an imposter at some point. For some this feeling can last many years. When do we stop feeling like we aren’t enough? If you are a person that constantly feels like an imposter, this panel is for you! Join these professionals as they share their own journey through imposter syndrome.
Dr. Sean Robinson (M), Brittany Torres, Jon Lasser, Cait Mckinzie
Link to this itemAnatomy of a Shoe
Cascade 13
4–5 p.m.
Bespoke shoemaker SunnyJim Morgan takes you on a tour of what’s on your feet. Ever wondered what makes an Oxford different from a Derby? How high heels are made? Are elves involved? We’ll cover that, as well as the history of shoes and shoemaking, the parts of a shoe, some different methods of construction, materials used, and a few of the places you can go to learn more.
SunnyJim Morgan (M)
Link to this itemNorwescon Drag Academy Workshop, Part 3
Olympic 2
4–6 p.m.
Ever wish you could be somebody else for a while? Craft a whole new you? Or enhance the things you already love about yourself? Join Mercury Divine for this three-part drag academy and Sunday showcase. Come for some or all sessions and come ready to PLAY! Part 3 is “Performing—It’s Time to Get Physical!” We’ll learn tips and tricks for entertaining an audience and burning up the stage. From old-school theatre skills to the most eloquent lip-synching, this buffet of play is here to get you going! Learn to let go, let loose, and let them have it! Stage fright? No problem! We’ve got you covered. Please arrive in clothes that are easy to move in.
Mercury Divine (M)
Link to this itemThe Legacy of Darmok
Olympic 3
4–5 p.m.
“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.” While the linguistics in “Darmok” are questionable, this episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation fascinated millions of fans with the topics of translation and the importance of our oldest stories. What’s changed since this episode aired in the way SF/F deals with languages and language?
Jennifer Brozek (M), Nick Fraser
Link to this itemConcert: The PDX Broadsides
Streamed on Airmeet
4–5 p.m.
The PDX Broadsides, a Portland, Oregon pop-folk trio, have been playing music together since 2011. They have become known for their harmonies and clever writing about fandoms and feelings, and have been nominated for the prestigious Pegasus Award for excellence in filk three times. They have been on several tours in the U.S. and Canada, and love bringing their special brand of musical nerdery to cons big and small.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Dr. Jess Hebert, Christian Lipski, Hollyannam McCollom

5 p.m. PDT (8 p.m. EDT / 12 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemReading: D.L. Solum
Cascade 3
5–5:30 p.m.
Persephone Enlightened. Come hear a short reading from D.L. Solum’s debut novel, Persephone Enlightened, an urban fantasy work written in epic fantasy style. The story is based in a Seattle that is both familiar, yet darker than the one you know. Rated R.
D.L. Solum (M)
Link to this itemInspiration, Exploitation, and Outright Theft
Cascade 5 & 6
5–6 p.m.
Where is the line between being inspired by someone’s work and infringing on their copyright? What are the best ways to get your art out into the public but protect it from being used without your permission? How do the new copyright extension laws affect artists today? Where are the ethical lines and how do they differ from the legal boundaries in art?
Ethan Vodde (M), Vandy H. Hall, Eric L Vargas
Link to this itemJoin the Resistance
Cascade 7 & 8
5–6 p.m.
Speculative fiction protagonists often fight against corrupt regimes, criminal organizations, or systemic injustice. What makes these stories so appealing to write and read? How do these fights resolve in ways that convey a writer’s message or their characters’ personalities? Does the fight have to be a pitched battle, or could organization and passive resistance be an exciting read, too?
David D. Levine (M), Carol Berg, Eva L. Elasigue, Shannon Anthony
Link to this itemFrom Flying Cars to Autonomous Vehicles… and Beyond!
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
5–6 p.m.
The future of personal transportation has long been “just around the corner,” especially in the minds of science-fiction writers. The 2020s are here, but the thing being sold as a hoverboard has wheels and consumer jetpacks are tethered a short distance above bodies of water. What is the current state of these technologies? What far-future imagined devices should we now be holding out hope for?
Brenda Cooper (M), Dr. Sean Robinson, Agathon McGeachy
Link to this itemThe Spice Must Flow: Drugs in Genre Fiction
Cascade 11
5–6 p.m.
A universal constant of human culture is getting high, so let’s discuss extraterrestrial psychedelics, magical drugs, and bizarre addictions. Star Trek did it. Ursula K. Le Guin did it. William Burroughs made a career of it. Panelists discuss drugs in science fiction, fantasy, and speculative horror contexts. Beyond the substances themselves, what social impacts do these speculative drugs have? Who has access, who picks the mushrooms, and who is punished for possession and intent to sell?
Evan J. Peterson (M), Cat Rambo, Gabe (G.S.) Denning, Rhiannon Held, Brooks Peck
Link to this itemThe Importance of Representation
Cascade 12
5–6 p.m.
Representation matters, whether in books, television, advertisements, and most importantly in people with positions of authority. How we are represented matters even more. Join this panelist-led discussion as they unpack representation done right, and the areas where it can go wrong.
Connor Alexander (M), Kassey Castro, Dorothy Sekabira
Link to this itemHorror From Page to Screen
Cascade 13
5–6 p.m.
Movies and television in the horror genre can be dramatically different from the books and source materials that inspire them, but the movies often come to overshadow the original work in the pop culture imagination. What are some notable movie and television adaptations of literary horror, both good and bad? What are some surprising elements of literary works that never seem to make it to the screen? Is the book always better?
Adrienne Dellwo (M), Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Jon Lasser, Julie McGalliard
Link to this itemLaugh It Up: Writing Humor into Speculative Fiction
Olympic 3
5–6 p.m.
Even the grandest fantasy adventures and hair-raising thrillers include humor. But how, when, and why would you work comedy into your storytelling? We’ll explore examples of humor in modern film and novels and discuss what makes it work. Some people are just plain funny, but most of us have to work at it. We’ll discuss techniques to get the funny rolling.
K.G. Anderson (M), Curtis C. Chen, Randy Henderson, Mike Jack Stoumbos
Link to this itemLydia K. Valentine: Unmasked
Grand 2
Streamed on Airmeet
5–6 p.m.
How being a Black, autistic, queer, book-inhaling geek prepared me for being a director, dramaturg, educator, editor, poet, and playwright.
Lydia K. Valentine (M)
Link to this itemKids Pre-Masquerade Meeting
Evergreen 3 & 4
5–6 p.m.
If you have a little one who wishes to enter the children’s masquerade, please come to this panel, where we will sign them up and lead you down to the stage when the time is right. Children go on stage first to accommodate their early bedtimes.
Johanna Mead (M)
Link to this itemConcert: Laser of The Doubleclicks
Streamed on Airmeet
5–6 p.m.
Laser is a folk-pop singer-songwriter who “challenges the patriarchy, champions marginalized voices, and finds emotional resonance in everything from robots to breakfast foods.” They have toured the U.S., Australia, and Europe as front person of the Doubleclicks, and have racked up over 4 million YouTube views amongst their large and beautiful grassroots audience. Laser’s latest project, Billboard-charting musical concept album Teaching a Robot to Love, is a sci-fi story about the trans experience.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Laser of the Doubleclicks
Link to this itemReading: Berlynn Wohl
Cascade 3
5:30–6 p.m.
“Hard Commodities.” In this excerpt from Berlynn Wohl’s sci-fi erotica anthology Dreams and Machines, a diplomat from Earth visits an alien planet to negotiate for a highly sought-after (but rather unexpected) Earth export. Upon arrival, he discovers that his hosts might also have a special affinity for humans themselves. Rated R.
Berlynn Wohl (M)
Link to this itemDoors Open for Masquerade
Northwest 2 & 3
5:30–6 p.m.
Come on in and find a seat.

6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT / 1 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemReading: GregRobin Smith
Cascade 3
6–6:30 p.m.
Ten Stories in Brief. Ten different movie/novel ideas done in brief, with Q&A about story creation and production. Rated G.
GregRobin Smith (M)
Link to this itemShow Don’t Tell: Really?
Cascade 5 & 6
6–7 p.m.
Writer and editor Cecilia Tan wrote in Uncanny Magazine that the ancient writing adage “show don’t tell” is worth re-examining, since it necessarily selects for an audience that understands the author’s own cultural references and perhaps alienates others. What do panelists think? Is science fiction tougher to write because writers aren’t supposed to tell as much as this genre requires? What does ”show don’t tell” mean to genre writers?
David D. Levine (M), Shannon Anthony, Gordon White
Link to this itemTeaching Consent Culture
Cascade 7 & 8
6–7 p.m.
Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to call out rape culture whether in television, on social media, or embodied in a discriminatory policy that punishes the way someone dresses. But what does teaching consent look like? Can modeling consent teach bodily autonomy in other areas of life, such as asking before shaking hands, giving a compliment, or hugging? Join panelists as they unpack what it means to teach and model consent culture.
Sar Surmick (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Xander Odell, J. Komp
Link to this itemThe Stuff that Dreams are Made Of: Fantasy and Noir
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
6–7 p.m.
From vampire assassins to wizard private eyes to undead thugs, noir and crime has been mixing it up with fantasy for years. What is it about the seedy underbelly of society that makes us want to pair it with the fantastic? Which fantasy writers portray noir, crime, and fantasy well?
Mark Teppo (M), Carol Berg, D.L. Solum, Camden Rose
Link to this itemOur Love-Hate Relationship with Robert A. Heinlein
Cascade 11
6–7 p.m.
The grandfathers of spec-fic helped make the science fiction writing world what it is today, but we all have complicated feelings about them. Come listen and share your opinions on the writing of the men who helped spawn our industry!
Rebecca Demarest (M), Tom Whitmore, Peter Glaskowsky
Link to this itemThe Improbable Worlds (and Titles) of B-Movies
Cascade 12
6–7 p.m.
Come on, now. That can’t really be a thing, right? Well, in B-movies, anything is possible: gelatinous monsters, sharknados, killer shrews, birdemics, and incredibly strange creatures who stopped living and became mixed-up zombies. In this panel, our pros will test the audience to see if they can tell real B-movies from ones the pros have made up. How is your B-movie knowledge?
Nick Fraser (M), Chris Wiswell
Link to this itemA Day in the Life of a Game Developer
Olympic 3
6–7 p.m.
What do writers, editors, artists, producers, and publishers get up to on a daily basis? Are they actually chained to their desks in dank hovels, or are they occasionally allowed out? (You have to hope so, or this is going to be a very brief panel!) And is there really such a thing as No Pants Wednesday?
Amanda Hamon (M), Ethan Vodde, Jay Boyce
Link to this itemThe Rest of the World in Space
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
6–7 p.m.
A concise summary of the most significant events in space operations from the rest of the world, with lots of pictures! A perennial Norwescon favorite presented by Dan Dubrick. The room is sure to fill up, so come early to get a good seat!
Dan Dubrick (M)
Link to this itemMasquerade, Part 1: Participant Showcase
Northwest 2 & 3 / Streamed on Airmeet
6–6:30 p.m.
Join us at the pinnacle event for Saturday evening, the Norwescon 44 Masquerade. Watch our fabulous contestants bring their hard work to the stage! Will your favorites match the judges’ favorites? Whether they do or not, we know the show will be amazing.
Richard Stephens (M), Johanna Mead, Silver Kitsune, Fox Squire, Melissa Quinn
Link to this itemSci-Fi Fantasy Variety Show
Northwest 2 & 3 / Streamed on Airmeet
6:30–7:30 p.m.
Sparkle and Doom Productions presents an evening of science fiction and fantasy-themed acts for your masquerade half time entertainment, emceed by the one and only David Demers. This show is for all ages! We look forward to seeing your lovely faces!
David Demers (M), Tiphany Starr, Menage a Troi, Michelle, Mercury Divine, Savannah Demers, Fox Squire, Samandra, Nova Haze

7 p.m. PDT (10 p.m. EDT / 2 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemErotic Fanfiction as Social Commentary
Cascade 5 & 6
7–8 p.m.
What do you do if you aren’t seeing the kinds of romantic relationships you want in mainstream media? For fanfic authors the answer is: write it yourself! In the process, consciously or not, many adult-rated fanfics explore their subject in a way that re-casts and re-examines social attitudes and behavior, through the lens of transformative works. Ages 18+.
Berlynn Wohl (M), Kris “Pepper” Hambrick
Link to this itemWomen in Horror: Hear Us Roar
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
7–8 p.m.
We scream, we fight, and we survive. Women have long been the cornerstone of horror films and books. Now we will celebrate the characters and films we love, as well as recognize the real-life women whose voices are making an impact in the genre.
Jennifer Brozek (M), Cait McKinzie, Mimi Noyes, Evan J. Peterson
Link to this itemMasquerade, Part 2: Awards and Announcements
Northwest 2 & 3 / Streamed on Airmeet
7:30–8 p.m.
Join us for the finale of the pinnacle event for Saturday evening, the Norwescon 44 Masquerade. Will your favorites match the judges? Now is the time to find out! The masquerade finale also includes awards for Single Pattern Contest and the announcement of next year’s convention guests of honor.
Richard Stephens (M), Johanna Mead, Silver Kitsune, Fox Squire, Melissa Quinn

8 p.m. PDT (11 p.m. EDT / 3 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemBroad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
Cascade 9 & 10 / Streamed on Airmeet
8–9:30 p.m.
Come and find your new favorite author at this fast-paced reading featuring excerpts from stories and novels written by members of Broad Universe. As always, we will have chocolate and drawings for books. Broad Universe is a nonprofit organization that accepts members from all genders and has supported women who write, edit, and publish speculative fiction since 2000.
Marta Murvosh (M), Carol Berg, K.G. Anderson, Rebecca A. Demarest, Jude-Marie Green, Debora Godfrey
Link to this itemSci-fi B Movie Bingo—Creeping Terror
Cascade 12
8–10 p.m.
Have you ever seen a shambling collection of carpet remnants emerge from a cardboard spaceship to dine on dancers who have to launch themselves at its mouth? Of course you haven’t! Because you’ve been wise enough to miss The Creeping Terror, a so-called movie that actually did business with Charles Manson (before he became famous). Take the chance to win dubious prizes! See a film by a shifty con man who makes Ed Wood look like Denis Villeneuve!
Nick Fraser (M), Chris Wiswell
Link to this itemSaturday Night Open Filk
Evergreen 1
8 p.m.–midnight
Open filk is where you can sing or play whatever you want to the most supportive crowd you will ever run into anywhere! The oldest form of geek music at science fiction conventions is an offshoot from folk called filk, and it has an intentionally open and deeply participatory culture. Bring your instrument and plan to stay awhile.
Link to this itemSaturday Dance: Cyberpunk
Grand 2 / Streamed on Airmeet
8 p.m.–1 a.m.
Come join us for the Saturday dance: Cyberpunk. Warning: flashing lights!
AR Mayor “Panda” (M)

9 p.m. PDT (12 a.m. April 17 EDT / 4 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemDoors Open for Burlesque: Ripped From The Pages—A Comic Strip
Northwest 2 & 3
9–9:30 p.m.
Doors open for burlesque. Come get a seat, and perhaps a drink from the bar! (Ages 18+).
Link to this itemBurlesque: Ripped From The Pages—A Comic Strip
Northwest 2 & 3 / Streamed on Airmeet
9:30–11 p.m.

Once upon a time,
There was a showgirl who liked to read
Those books of many colors
Full of fantastic heroes and mighty worlds
With pages of news pulp filled with adventure, nightmare, and humor
To Seattle, she came
Flying through the air on a crimson cape
Dazzled with crystals and tassels

Behold our ode to the comics’ joy, the terror, and hope
With ecdysiasts eclectic and friends filled with love
With favorite heroes and protagonists to spare
Books in plastic bags and novels of graphics
These performances will be
Ripped From The Pages—
A Comic Strip (Ages 18+).

Bella La Blanc (M), Miss Violet DeVille, Mercury Divine, Aurora Darling, Silver Kitsune, Mercy Stackhouse/Beau NusHole, Fox Squire

10 p.m. PDT (1 a.m. April 17 EDT / 5 a.m. April 17 GMT)

Link to this itemFriends of Bill W.
Cascade 5 & 6
10–11 p.m.
Link to this itemConcert: Raichyl Sinversa
Streamed on Airmeet
10–11 p.m.
Raichyl Sinversa is a solo singer/songwriter who challenges the status quo. Her music elevates and empathizes. She writes subconsciously and claims only to be “the medium through which songs come to life …” Stylistically versatile, she is “pop with an edge” but crosses over into many other genres. Her sound has an alluring musical luster, like an angel with a metronome.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Raichyl Sinversa