Look Who’s Coming to Con!

Norwescon WebsiteArt Show, Blog, Club Tables, Dealers' Room, Norwescon 40, Programming

Every year, in addition to a stellar lineup of Guests of Honor, Norwescon features a broad slate of artists in our Art Show, local organizations and clubs hosting informational tables in the lobby, vendors hawking their wares in our Dealer’s Room, and over two hundred pros and panelists discussing any number of fascinating, funny, fantastical, and futuristic topics in our panel programming. This year is no different, and now you can get a peek at who all you’ll be seeing in the halls and rooms of this year’s con!

Art Show participants are listed on our Art Show page

…organizations and clubs are listed on our Club Tables page

…vendors are listed on our Dealers’ Room page

…and this year’s slate of pros and panelists are listed on our Attending Pros page!

We’re looking forward to seeing all of them — and, of course, all of you — in just a few more weeks at Norwescon 40!