Registration and Hotel Reservations for Norwescon 42 Coming Soon!

Norwescon WebsiteBlog, Hotel Liaison, Member Services, Norwescon 42, Registration

NWC42: Don't Forget Your Towel

Now that Norwescon 41 is over, you’ve been asking when registration and hotel reservations will be available for Norwescon 42. The short answer is soon… but not yet!

Our all-volunteer staff needs to update the public website registration system for Norwescon 42 and turn it on. This will happen fairly soon—just as soon as the team wakes up from their post-convention-weekend slumber. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready!

Hotel reservations will take a bit longer. Because Norwescon takes place over Easter weekend, which is a movable feast, next Norwescon is more than one year away—and the Hilton’s reservation system doesn’t allow reservations more than one year out. With Easter Sunday on April 21 next year, hotel reservations won’t be available until at least April 22. Once the system is up and working, we’ll make the announcement here!

We’re quite happy that so many of you enjoyed your time at Norwescon 41. We look forward to having you join us April 18–21, 2019 for Norwescon 42: Don’t Forget Your Towel. See you there!