
Art Show and Lobby Tables Info and Con Hours Posted

Three more updates landed over this past weekend: Art Show and Lobby Table info and registration, and convention hours.

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Masquerade Info Posted

Costumers — have you been considering your costumes for the Norwescon 35 Saturday Night Masquerade? You’ll be pleased to know that we have just posted this year’s rules, information, and entry forms for the big Saturday night event, including the Children’s Masquerade!

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Writers’ Workshop and Dealers’ Room Info Posted

Over the weekend, two new pages went live: Information for the Writers’ Workshop and the Dealers’ Room.

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October ConCom Meeting

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? October’s Norwescon 35 planning meeting will be held Saturday, October 8th, 2011.

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Book your hotel room now!

It was announced at yesterday’s ConCom volunteer meeting that the block of rooms reserved for Norwescon’s use at the Doubletree hotel is already 90% full! While it’s great to see that many of you planning ahead, it does mean that we’re expecting to completely book the hotel quite soon. If you’ve been considering getting a [...]

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September ConCom Meeting

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? September’s Norwescon 35 planning meeting will be held Saturday, September 17th, 2011.

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Norwescon 35 Artist Guest of Honor: John Picacio

Fast Forward 2 artwork © John Picacio

Norwescon is proud to announce John Picacio as our Artist Guest of Honor for Norwescon 35!

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Norwescon 35 Science Guest of Honor: Bridget Landry

Norwescon is proud to announce Bridget Landry as our Artist Guest of Honor for Norwescon 35!

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Norwescon 35 Writer Guest of Honor: Stephen Baxter

Norwescon is proud to announce Stephen Baxter as our Writer Guest of Honor for Norwescon 35!

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We are live!

While we’ve done everything we can to have a lot of information ready, it’s still nearly a year until Norwescon 35 rolls around, so there’s still a lot of information yet to come! In the coming days, weeks, and months, we’ll have announcements of additional Guests of Honor, exciting events, and all the other good stuff you’ve come to expect over the years. Though it seems far away now, it won’t be long at all until we kick off our thirty-fifth year!

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