
Friday Schedule

What follows is a listing of all events planned for Friday, March 29th. You can also download the Friday programming grid (16KB .pdf).

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here.

We will endeavor to keep this list up-to-date with any changes. For the most up-to-date information, please use the fully interactive Guidebook app.

This list is current as of Mar. 27, 2013.

Magic: The Gathering EDH/Commander
Friday 9:00 AM
Rotunda 2

EDH/Commander event. Players will collect points based off a casual and fun focused system, and the players accruing the most points over the two days will be the winner. Epic moments will also receive prizes over the course of the event. No admission fee, this is a free event for Norwescon members. (Part 1 of 2)

Rob Dunbar

Scheduled Gaming
Friday 9:00 AM
Cascade 9&10

Need to unwind and slay a dragon? Cast a spell? Become the Lord of Catan? Come check out what people are playing in Scheduled Gaming! We have a wide variety of games you can sign up to play. We have many people hosting games to help you enjoy your time at Norwescon. Also, maybe you’re looking to learn a new game? Bring your game and schedule a spot, or drop in to make new friends. Specific games can be found on the electronic schedule and on Twitter. NOTE: scheduled gaming continues from 10 pm to 1 am as “Uncensored Scheduled Gaming,” please see 10 pm listing.

Bryan Wood

Open Gaming
Friday 9:00 AM
Rotunda 1&2

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by Open Gaming and play for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends (or new) and play. No sign-up required. The Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come first-served basis.

Pro Roy

Digital Scavenger Hunt
Friday 10:00 AM

Meet here to collect your scavenger hunt lists! You will need a digital camera of some type and your imagination to help you on the road to victory! The more creative you are with your items, the better chance you have to win.

Trent Lum

Kim Ritchie reads, TBD
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 1

Rated PG

Kim Ritchie

Art Education
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 13

With ever increasing cutbacks in public school systems, formal art education is in decline or nonexistent. The current state of our economy proposes that art education and the arts are an extravagance we cannot afford. But studies have proven that education in the arts promotes greater success in other academic areas and results in students having a better understanding of problem solving and boosts morale. We ask our panelists and the audience how has art education enhanced and improved your life and what can we do to ensure that our children have the same rewards and benefits?

Amber Clark (M), Alisa Gray, Brenda Carre, John R. Gray III, Margaret Organ-Kean

Building a Better Body
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 7

Everyone wants a better body, but what is the best way to get one? Start with factory issue and maintain it really well? Use after-market parts, either biological or mechanical? Also, what about selecting options and correcting flaws while the new models are under construction?

Brenda Cooper (M), Janet Freeman-Daily, Mike Brennan, Ramez Naam

Fangirls: Who Are They and What Do They Want?
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 2

Fangirls. You’ve seen them. Clustered around manga, squealing over the new hot actor (of any gender), discussing why exactly it is perfectly feasible for Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to be in a relationship (Seriously, did you see the movie? The fanfic wrote itself). What are they? Where do they come from? Is there an age limit? Our panelists discuss fangirl culture and whether they themselves identify as such.

Mickey Schulz (M), Berlynn Wohl, Lola Colleen

Portraying Mental Illness in Comics
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 3&4

What are some examples of graphic novels or cartoons that have covered mental health issues and how have creators used the medium to do this? Is the stereotype of the “crazy artist” true or exaggerated? How does the depiction of artists as crazy creative types hinder respect for their art?

Ashley Cook (M), Ellen Forney

Terry Brooks Q&A
Friday 10:00 AM
Grand 3

Q & A session with Norwescon 36 Grand Master Terry Brooks.

Terry Brooks, Pierce Watters

Using Natural Materials in Costuming
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 5

Natural materials such as feathers, bones, leather, sticks, and grasses add texture and detail to your favorite barbarian, fairy, tribal, or anthropomorphic costume. Learn tips, techniques, and dos and don’ts for incorporating organic elements into your design.

Garth Stubbs (M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Katrina Marier

Weapons of the Middle Ages: A Hands-on Experience
Friday 10:00 AM
Evergreen 3&4

See and feel how hand weapons changed and developed from late Roman times through the Renaissance. All weapons will be explained and presented for safe handling by the participants. This experience will be like a museum where you can touch the artifacts. Handouts will be available.

Bill Gruner (M), Adrienne Carlson, Ann Shilling, Major James Franklin (Ret.), Michael Tinker Pearce, Norman K. Moss, Ryan Thune

When Things Go Wrong In Space
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 8

Apollo 13 was not the first time things went wrong in spaceflight, it won’t be the last. How do scientists and engineers anticipate problems and train to solve them? Furthermore, can the same ideas be used for more mundane, down to Earth problems?

David D. Levine (M), Dan Dubrick, David Shoemaker

Writing Poetry
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 6

Writing poetry and sending it to markets for publication. An overview of markets. Form vs. free verse. How can writing poetry impact your writing of short fiction and long fiction?

Mae Empson (M), Camille Alexa, Lauren Dixon

Craft a Wookie Birdhouse, Part 1
Friday 10:00 AM
Olympic 1

Help preserve and protect our native song birds, one cozy birdhouse at a time! By using half-gallon juice cartons and other craft supplies we will make a Wookie birdhouse that is sure to please all your feathered friends! NOTE: children under eight years old must be accompanied by a responsible party. Norwescon does not provide babysitting.

James Poua (M), Kim Poua

Friday 10:00 AM
Evergreen 1&2

Bring your little wizards and witches down to the pitch for an exciting, though grounded, tournament of Muggle Quidditch (kid version). We didn’t have room for a grownup version this year, but the little ones will have fun chasing the Snitch and ringing the Quaffle. The rules have been modified from the International Quidditch Association’s Rulebook to allow for gameplay indoors. (Kids 12 and under, please.)

Alan Bond

Norwescon Dance Academy
Friday 10:00 AM
Maxi’s Ballroom

Are you not quite ready to boogie? Come and learn the steps to fandom’s best! Soon you will be able to groove to the Rasputin, the Time Warp, the Macarena, Y.M.C.A., and new this year–Gangnam Style! Get ready to Rumba!

Dan Murphy

Let’s Make a Movie: Plan It
Friday 10:00 AM
Cascade 12

You were there for Part Zero, right? Quick! Time travel! In Part One, we go over the plan, figure out the gear, work up a story, write the script, plan the shoot, and pretty much anything else we can think of. That’s right, from soup to nuts, we’re going to make an entire movie here at Norwescon. This is your chance to be a part of the annual fun and learn how to make a movie on a budget so tiny calling it shoestring would be an insult to shoestrings. The key to making a movie, of course, is good planning!

Edward Martin III (M), Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman, Ryan K. Johnson

Roberta Gregory reads Mother Mountain
Friday 10:30 AM
Cascade 1

A work in progress. Rated G

Roberta Gregory

Stealth & Tracking
Friday 10:30 AM

Prepare to use your latent ninja skills to hunt down and collect tokens from your fellow hunters! We have several versions of the game this year, so meet here daily to learn the rules of the day and grab your token to get started.

Michaela Zielke

Carol Berg reads Dust and Light
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 1

A novel in progress. When a sorcerer-artist is contracted to a coroner, his portraits of the dead reveal information no one could imagine. Rated PG

Carol Berg

Art Show Tour with Russell D. Campbell
Friday 11:00 AM
Art Show

Russell D. Campbell talks in depth about his work in the show and shares his thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist’s perspective on the Art Show! NOTE: Limited to 10 people. Sign up at the Art Show.

Russell D. Campbell

Dream Team
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 5

Working with an editor can be a dream come true or a nightmare. Learn the ins and outs of collaborative storytelling and hold onto your vision while sharing creative control.

Diana Copland (M), Gregory A. Wilson, Janna Silverstein, Jean Johnson

Environmental Concerns of Science Fiction
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 8

SF has long dealt with environmental concerns, imagining the future impacts of drought overpopulation, climate change, peak oil, and water shortages. How important are ecological themes in today’s science fiction? Now that some of these things seem to be coming to a head in the modern world, do they have to dominate SF?

Marta Murvosh (M), Annie Morton, Bart Kemper, Brenda Cooper, Brian Slattery

Ethics in Clinical Research
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 6

Adequately testing new drugs and vaccines requires strict standards of research, but there can be tricky questions about the use of placebos, animal testing, participant privacy, and informed consent. How are these questions being answered?

Gregory Gadow (M), Janet Freeman-Daily, Jim Kling, Ro Yoon

Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Art
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 2

Join us for an overview of the major styles of illuminated manuscript art, from the intricate Insular style of the 6th Century Irish monks, to the realism of the Italian artisans of the high Renaissance. Learn the distinguishing characteristics of the Carolinginan, Romanesque, Ottonian, and Gothic styles, and the terminology used to describe the components of this historic art form.

Anita Taylor (M), Cymbric Early-Smith

Medieval Armour: A Hands-on Experience
Friday 11:00 AM
Evergreen 3&4

See and feel how body armour evolved and developed from late Roman times through the Renaissance. Various types of armour will be displayed and described. Participants will be able to freely handle real pieces of armour and modern replicas. This experience will be like a museum where you can try on the artifacts. Handouts will be available.

Bill Gruner (M), Adrienne Carlson, Ann Shilling, Aveloc Twiceborn, Major James Franklin (Ret.), Michael Tinker Pearce, Norman K. Moss, Ryan Thune

The Art of Lee Moyer
Friday 11:00 AM
Grand 3

Norwescon 36 Artist Guest of Honor Lee Moyer presents a slideshow and Q&A featuring recent artwork and his creative processes, decisions, and inspirations.

Lee Moyer

Why Do Girls Love Villains?
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 3&4

It happens every time there’s a movie with an awesome villain in it: The Avengers (Loki), Labyrinth (Jareth), Robin Hood (Sherriff of Nottingham). What do these bad boys have that you don’t have? Why do women go gaga over the villain? Come listen to our panel and discuss this phenomenon and proposed explanations.

Mickey Schulz (M), Camille Alexa, Susan R. Matthews, Alisa Gray

Writing What You Don’t Know
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 7

Many writers have heard the advice to “write what you know.” But, have you really met any dragons, robots, zombies, or vampires? How do you write about something that you haven’t experienced personally? Tips for how to (and how not to) use research and common sense to improve your writing.

Cat Rambo (M), Corry L. Lee, Renee Stern, Rhiannon Held

Costumer Thunderdome: 2 Teams Enter, 1 Team Leaves
Friday 11:00 AM
Cascade 13

A costumer showdown. Two teams, mystery materials, hot glue, and duct tape! Come cheer your favorite team as they concoct a fabulous ensemble using thrift store garments and mystery trims. Audience will choose the winner!

Richard Stephens (M), Garth Stubbs, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Lori Edwards, Margo Loes, Melissa Quinn

Brenda Carre reads “The Selkie’s Treasure”
Friday 11:30 AM
Cascade 1

A short story. Rated G

Brenda Carre

Hobbit Country Dancing
Friday 11:30 AM
Grand 2

Come experience a little of the Shire’s culture by partying down with the Hobbits and learning a few of their energetic and joyful dances.

Betty Bigelow

Nancy Kress reads from a work in progress
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 1

Rated G

Nancy Kress

All Our Cats Are Green
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 5

What are some of the everyday applications of SF technology for the lives of Joe-average characters? Transporters, clones, and free energy have societal consequences–do you really want to go there with your story? What if all major diseases were conquered or all people were immortal?

Caren Gussoff (M), Jean Johnson

Big Press, Small Press, or Self-Publishing?
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 6

Each publishing method has pros and cons. Come find out what they are from the perspective of the writer (and share your experiences).

Tod McCoy (M), Frances Pauli, Karen Kincy, Shahid Mahmud

Comic Adaptations
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 8

The last decade has seen an explosion of comics being made into movies, television, and videogames. Do these adaptations live up to the comics they are inspired by? Have we really reached the saturation point (e.g., Spiderman) where comics’ directors are also using the old story reboot? What are some of the best and worst of these adaptations?

Matt Youngmark (M), Lola Colleen, Lee Moyer, C0splay of Death*Star

Ethics for Newsies
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 2

A number of people in fandom have become podcasters, bloggers, and digital journalists without the background of J-school. Come join our panelists in a talk about professionalism, ethics, and best practices for people who work as newsies in the fandom community.

Lillian Cohen-Moore (M), The Reverend En Fuego, Marta Murvosh

Gardner Dozois Q&A
Friday 12:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Q & A session with our Special Guest of Honor Gardner Dozois

Gardner Dozois, Mickey Schulz

Military in Space
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 12

Space is popularly perceived as just a variation on naval or air warfare, but is this really the case? Will space battles ever happen? Is the Battlestar Galactica really the way things could develop or is the conventional thinking dead, flat wrong?

Bart Kemper (M), Arthur Bozlee, Mike Brennan, Tony Daniel

Polyamory 101
Friday 12:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

What is polyamory? Why would anyone want more than one partner? How does everyone interact so everyone’s needs are met and no one gets hurt? How do more conservative family members react to these plural relationships? Should you, shouldn’t you? What are the pros and cons?

Sean Hagle (M), Jen K, Lilith von Fraumench

What the Frak is “Filk?”
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

The oldest form of geek music at SF conventions is a branch-off from folk called “filk.” It has an intentionally open and deeply participatory culture, and isn’t just folk-derived, despite the origins. This panel is your introduction to fandom’s oldest tradition of participatory geek music. Come on out and play!

David Nasset, Sr. (M), Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Stephanie L. Weippert

Writing Alternate Universe (AU)
Friday 12:00 PM
Cascade 7

What is it about AU stories that we find so intriguing and exciting? On the other hand, what is it about AU stories that send some people running for the hills? What makes a good AU? How important is world building? Why are authors drawn to taking such canonical characters and twisting their universe into such curious and diverse shapes? Come chat with some authors that have successfully written AU stories and learn the answers!

Mimi Noyes (M), Berlynn Wohl, Micole Rose, Dame Ruth

Keith and Alan’s Movie News and Previews – Assemble!
Friday 12:00 PM
Grand 3

Our biggest screen, our best sound, our largest space–we’re supersized! Join us for the latest previews, news, rumors, hot topics, and latest trends–out of Hollywood.

Keith Johnson (M), Alan Halfhill

Pat MacEwen reads Home Sweet Bi’ome
Friday 12:30 PM
Cascade 1

A comic tale of biotech gone wrong. Selected for Year’s Best SF, Vol. 17. Rated PG

Pat MacEwen

Jack Skillingstead reads Life on the Preservation
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 1

A novel except. Rated PG

Jack Skillingstead

Art Show Tour with Amber Clark
Friday 1:00 PM
Art Show

Amber Clark talks in depth about her work in the show and shares her thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist’s perspective on the Art Show! NOTE: Limited to 10 people–sign up at the Art Show.

Amber Clark

Baby Lounge and Quiet Hour
Friday 1:00 PM
Olympic 1

This is an unmonitored hour in a quiet corner for those folks with infants who would like to chat and let their babies stretch and crawl around for a little while. There will be a tote with some baby toys available for your use as well as some pillows.

Beyond “Tension on Every Page”
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 8

Pacing is crucial, but what is the ideal pace for fiction? How can you sculpt and revise your story’s shape while staying true to its core?

S. A. Bolich (M), Angel Leigh McCoy

Gay Superheroes of the Future
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 7

With marriage equality becoming a reality, what will happen to gay issues in comics? Can comics modernize the issues and welcome LGBT characters or will the traditional mindset hold out for a while? Our panelists will cover these issues after a brief discussion of the history of LGBT issues and characters in comics.

Chris Nilsson (M), Dennis R. Upkins, Lola Colleen, Charles “Zan” Christensen

Invasions that Changed Europe
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 6

Germans, Huns, Slavs, Arabs, Magyars, Vikings, Mongols, and Turks. Invaders or immigrants? Barbarians or just culturally diverse folk? Who flooded into the decaying Roman Empire, motivated the building of castles, and changed the nature of faith? This discussion will examine how successive new arrivals and outright invaders helped shape Western European society and culture.

Ryan Thune (M), Bill Gruner, G. Willow Wilson, G. David Nordley, Major James Franklin (Ret.)

Rebuilding Humans from the Inside Out
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

We are developing techniques for fixing genetic flaws and enhancing resistance to disease by rewriting a person’s genome. The potential for good is staggering, but so is the potential for harm. Our panelists will discuss how gene therapy works and how this technology could be used and misused.

Janet Freeman-Daily (M), J.M. Sidorova, Dame Ruth, Moria Crone

Space: The Final Frontier
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 5

These are the stories no one tells anymore, to stop seeking out new life and new civilizations, to boldly not care about places no man has gone before: Star Trek and manned space flight. We canceled one and gave up on the other.

Tim McDaniel

System Matters: The Right RPG for the Job
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 2

Like the invisible hand of fate, the rules you use weigh on every aspect of your game sometimes in ways you aren’t even aware of. Are you using the right tool for the job, or do you always use the same hammer for every task? You may be sabotaging your game before you even sit down at the table.

John Harper (M), Ben Robbins, Aveloc Twiceborn, Ryan Macklin

The Origins of Magic
Friday 1:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Creating a magical system isn’t easy. What are some good sources to pull from for the underpinnings of your magic? What can be borrowed from history, mythology, or religion that will make your magical system more believable?

Peter Blanton (M), Carol Berg, Terry Brooks

Will the Turing Test Pass Before AIs Do?
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 12

For more than 50 years the Turing Test has been thought to be the way we will determine when Artificial Intelligence is achieved. But what if the AI is happy with who it is, and doesn’t want to pretend to be a human? What if people don’t care if they are talking to a machine, as long as it is a good conversationalist, and has something interesting to say? Will that make the discussion about artificial intelligence harder, easier, or just different?

David Nasset, Sr. (M), Edward Tenner, Sean Hagle, Tony Daniel, Sonia Orin Lyris

Figure Drawing Demo
Friday 1:00 PM
Cascade 13

Come watch, learn, and discuss how our professional artists draw the human figure.

Julie Baroh (M), Bryan Syme, Jeff Sturgeon

Introduction to Participatory Geekmusic
Friday 1:00 PM

The oldest form of geekmusic at SF conventions is a branch-off from folk called “filk.” It has an intentionally open and deeply participatory culture, and ALL forms of geekmusic are welcome! This two-hour workshop sets up a moderated circle to give everyone not only an introduction to filk circle etiquette, but also a turn at playing or singing should they so desire! Bring your instruments, your voice, or just your curiosity and watch what happens!

Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix (M), Rich Glover, Leannan Sidhe, Stephanie L. Weippert, Sunnie Larsen

Ken Scholes reads Requiem
Friday 1:30 PM
Cascade 1

A brief selection from his upcoming novel, volume four in the Psalms of Isaak. Rated G

Ken Scholes

Cat Rambo reads A Cavern Ripe With Dreams
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 1

An excerpt from the novella. Rated G

Cat Rambo

Baen Books Live
Friday 2:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Interview and Q & A with Tony Daniel of our Spotlight Publisher, Baen.

Tony Daniel, Felice Nightengale

Carnivale in Venice/Carnival on Venus — a Fashion Show and Tell
Friday 2:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

This year our annual fashion show and tell goes to the heights of costume splendor as we sail the Grand Canal of Venice during Carnivale season and the opulent masquerade costumes that are seen there. Then we’ll look to the stars to see how Carnival on Venus is celebrated. It is a red carpet show and everyone is invited to attend!

Richard Stephens (M), Carmen Beaudry, Garth Stubbs, Julie Zetterberg, Lori Edwards, Margo Loes, Tammie L. Dupuis

Crossing Boundaries: Writing the Other
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 7

Can you write a great character of another gender? From a different culture? A different sexual orientation? How do you know what’s good characterization and what’s stereotyping?

Caren Gussoff (M), Dennis R. Upkins, J.M. Sidorova, Keffy R.M. Kehrli, Sheye Anne Blaze

Crowns & Swords
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 5

Countless novels have been set in the intertwined worlds of monarchy and fantasy, often involving epic battles. Given that many fantasy novels are set in worlds drawn from medieval Europe, it’s no surprise to see so many stories based around monarchies–kings and queens, tyrannical emperors, and long-lost heirs to the throne. How much of fantasy’s appeal is grounded in this familiar setting, and how can this long-standing tradition be updated or refreshed? Or should it be abandoned entirely?

Diana Pharaoh Francis (M), Gregory A. Wilson, Heather Hudson, Linda Pearce

Fanfic Fears
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 8

Writing fanfic is not as easy as it might seem. Our panels of writers will talk with the audience about a number of different fears that one faces when writing fanfiction and how you can work your way past them. Am I good enough? Can I capture the voices of the characters? Has someone else done this idea? Is this too racy/corny/over the top? Can I commit to writing something this long? Will anyone like this? What do I do if I run out of inspiration?

Diana Copland (M), Erynn Rowan Laurie, Berlynn Wohl, Micole Rose

Guns in the Media: You’re Doing It Wrong!
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 12

The reality of guns versus what producers think is cool–from the Farah Fawcett pose to …why are you cocking that automatic? Our panel of gun nuts will discuss how firearms really work and which “classic” poses are really just a one-way journey to a self-inflicted wound.

Ogre Whiteside (M), Matt Case, Alan Paulsen

Medieval Fortifications and Castles
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 6

Why were there no castles from the destruction of Western Rome until after Charlemagne? How did castles and fortifications develop from grandeur to obsolescence? What is it like in a castle? What are some good castles and fortifications to visit in the U.S. and in Europe? This discussion, with projected views and models, will prepare participants for castle experiences either real or imaginary. Handouts will be available.

Bill Gruner (M), Bart Kemper, Norman K. Moss, Ryan Thune

Navigating Navigation: You Can Get There From Here
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 2

From charts that said, “Here be Dragons,” to boxes that say, “turn left now,” the art and science and engineering of navigation has changed with incredible speed. How was it done in the past? How is it done now? What is in store for the future?

Mike Brennan (M), Mike Priddy, Jon Rogers, Matthew ‘Fish’ Dockrey

Powering the World
Friday 2:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Cheap, abundant energy is a requirement for a modern technological civilization. Sooner or later fossil fuels will run out. What will take their place? Solar? Wind? Or something more exotic like power from space?

Brenda Cooper (M), Ramez NaAM
Russell D. Campbell, Steve Gillett

William F. Nolan reads something new
Friday 2:30 PM
Cascade 1

To be determined. Rated PG

William F. Nolan

Cool Summer Movie Stuff! Family Movie Previews
Friday 2:30 PM
Olympic 1

Come see what cool (and family friendly) stuff is coming to the movies this summer. NOTE: children under eight years old must be accompanied by a responsible party. Norwescon does not provide babysitting.

Keith Johnson

Art Show Tour with Lee Moyer
Friday 3:00 PM
Art Show

Artist Guest of Honor Lee Moyer talks in depth about his work in the show and shares his thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist’s perspective on the Art Show! NOTE: Limited to 10 people. Sign up at the Art Show.

Lee Moyer

Best New Technologies for the Start-up Mad Scientist
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 7

Saving the world is good, but taking over the world is even better! What field should the up-and-coming mad scientist get into on their path to unlimited power or enough money to get some really cool toys?

David D. Levine (M), Chris Nilsson, David Nasset, Sr., Dr. Ricky

Concert & Reading with Catherine Asaro
Friday 3:00 PM
Grand 3

The Diamond Star Project is a multimedia presentation based on Catherine Asaro’s SF rock opera Diamond Star, from her book of the same name. It is the story of Del, a renegade prince and heir to the Ruby Throne. Asaro and her band will present readings, songs, music, and dance from the book and its associated soundtrack.

Catherine Asaro, Greg Adams, CD Woodbury, Don Montana, Mike Fish

Fannish Home and Gardening
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 8

Tips on maintaining a fashionable, functional fannish household with ever-expanding collections of books, art, costumes, media, and other assorted stuff. How to showcase your geek aesthetic and not look like an audition for Hoarders. Also, how to include your interests into your landscaping. Our panelists will share what they have done to give their exostructural habitat a little more character and made it more conducive to the fannish lifestyle.

Mike Brennan (M), SunnyJim Morgan, Lucas Johnson

First Page Idol
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Come to a reading and professional critique of several novels first pages. Pages were submitted in advance to idol@norwesconlorg by our brave contestants. There is no a sound-track but audience participation may be solicited.

Phoebe Kitanidis (M), Chelsea M. Campbell, Tina Connolly

Medieval Women: Was It Really a Man’s World?
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 6

We have heard of Godiva, Eleanor, and Joan, but were these the only women who ever did anything that was written about? What about the works of Abbess Hildegarde? Was it a world totally dominated by men? This discussion will look at the important work done by women, famous and not so famous, from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance.

Ann Shilling (M), Adrienne Carlson, Jenna M. Pitman

Merging Minds and Machines
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 12

In the last decade we’ve come farther than most people know in the science of wiring human brains to electronics to restore vision and hearing, to give control of cursors and robot arms, and even to transmit video and audio out of the brain. In this session, Ramez NaAM, author of More Than Human and Nexus, will give an exciting tour though the science and the future horizons.

Ramez Naam

Minorities in Comics
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 5

How do American comics differ from Manga or European comics? When will there be less sexism in mainstream comics? Are token minorities better than none at all? What strengths and weaknesses are there in the comics medium for representing a unique look at these issues?

Dennis R. Upkins (M), G. Willow Wilson, Charles “Zan” Christensen

The Anthropogenic Extinction Event
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 2

Many biologists believe that we are in the midst of a major extinction event caused by human intervention. Can we mitigate the damage, maybe even reverse it? Will humanity survive if we do not?

Kurt Cagle (M), Annie Morton, PZ Myers

Figure Drawing Workshop — Models in Costume
Friday 3:00 PM
Cascade 13

Models in costume will do a variety of short and medium length poses (3 to 10 minutes). Everyone is welcome to come and sketch or paint. Please bring your own drawing and painting supplies. An excellent follow-up panel to the Figure Drawing Workshop.

Heather Hudson (M), Anita Taylor, Cymbric Early-Smith, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Melissa Quinn, Sara Twitty

Lazer Tag
Friday 3:00 PM
Grand 2

The only place in the convention you are allowed to draw your lazer weapons. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. Wizard tag will be available for those who wish to hone their skills before the battle this summer. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin

Seattle Opera Trunk Show: The Ring Cycle
Friday 3:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

A slide show featuring an incredible selection of costume pieces from Seattle Opera’s production of Ring Cycle. Don’t miss this exquisite presentation.

Ieva Ohaks (M), Tammie L. Dupuis, Richard Stephens, Bethany Roullett, Garth Stubbs

Susan R. Matthews reads Blood Enemies
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 1

It’s been a year since Andrej Koscuisko came to Gonebeyond space to have a few words with Security Chief Stildyne (at the end of Warring States). Come listen to an excerpt from the latest, and last, Koscuisko novel. Rated PG

Susan R. Matthews

Building a Balanced Mythos
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 5

When building a religion for your world, how do you make it balanced and plausible without riffing off of existing religions? How will myth and religion impact your plot and motivate your characters? Why should there be several types of belief systems on a world?

Carol Berg (M), Peter Blanton, David J. Peterson, Rhiannon Held

Character Arc, Plot Arc — Story!
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Knowing how your plot and characters change as the tale moves forward helps a writer to craft more powerful stories. What makes a great character arc and how can you make your character’s internal change more compelling? What makes a great plot arc and how can you intertwine your plot with your character?

Brenda Cooper (M), Corry L. Lee, Jason V Brock, Ken Scholes, Steven Barnes

Comparative Religions: Past, Present, Future, and Fictional
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 6

Faith and belief–both historical and author-invented–have been major themes in popular fiction and fannish media for generations. We’ll respectfully discuss how faith is applicable to fandom, and the parallels and differences of religions past and present that have shaped (or been shaped by) the worlds of our favorite genres.

G. Willow Wilson (M), Rev. Zachary Sarah Corleissen, Moria Crone

Feminism in Science Fiction
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 8

Feminism and feminist themes have been an integral part of SF since the sixties and seventies, starting with the work of Joanna Russ, Ursula LeGuin, James Tiptree, Jr., and others. Join us as we discuss how SF has been used to challenge the boundaries of gender expectations and produce new ways of knowing the world. And just as importantly–is it still doing so?

Caren Gussoff (M), Sean Hagle, Stephanie L. Weippert

Grimm and Once Upon a Time
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 2

Fairy tales are definitely in style and definitely grown up.

David D. Levine (M), Chelsea M. Campbell, Dan Murphy, Lola Colleen, Janet Borkowski

Magic Show with Whifflesnort the Wizard
Friday 4:00 PM
Olympic 1

Professor Ezekial T. Whifflesnort, BSW (Big Shot Wizard), will perform demonstrations of the magical arts, and will teach at least one trick to all who attend. With his skills of mirth, magic, flash and fafoooom, Whifflesnort the Wizard enchants audiences of all ages and shoe sizes. NOTE: Children under eight years old must be accompanied by a responsible party. Norwescon does not provide babysitting.

Whifflesnort the Wizard (M), Sharon Kingsford

Missing Worlds Media Presents: The Phoenix Project MMO
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 7

Your chance to meet a group of gamers who fought the destruction of their world, by making a brand new one of their own. Missing Worlds Media is a studio founded by former players of City of Heroes who, when our world was wiped out, set about creating their own game in a bid to let virtual heroes and villains get back to doing what they do best. Find out more about this project and how to be a part of a new online adventure unlike any the world has seen before.

Nate Downes (M), Cameron Johnson, Andrew King

Q&A with Edward Tenner
Friday 4:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Interview and Q&A with Science Guest of Honor Edward Tenner.

Edward Tenner, Alan Boyle

The Gusmobile and Learning to Fly to the Moon
Friday 4:00 PM
Cascade 12

The Gemini spacecraft, called the “Gusmobile” after astronaut Gus Grissom, was the intermediate step between the single seat Mercury spacecraft and the Apollo lunar spacecraft. During 10 manned missions U.S. astronauts learned the techniques needed to fly to the Moon. Yet this spacecraft is almost forgotten by the public. Explore this remarkable vehicle and its accomplishments and discover why the Soviet Union never developed anything like it.

Arthur Bozlee (M), Jon Rogers

Monstarrs of Nerdcore
Friday 4:00 PM
Grand 3

YES, THEY’RE RAPPING ABOUT VIDEOGAMES AND HOBBITS. Ensuring Seattle’s delightfully nerdy reputation won’t be forgotten, Norwescon favourites Death\*Star and Klopfenpop team up for a two-hour showcase of weird, geeky hip-hop and nerdcore. It’s the kind of music we all would write, if we weren’t too introverted to speak in public.

Klopfenpop, Death\*Star (Bill Beats, MC-3PO & C0splay)

Tina Connolly reads the sequel to Ironskin
Friday 4:30 PM
Cascade 1

A gothic fantasy with a dash of Jane Eyre. Rated G

Tina Connolly

A Language of Thrones
Friday 5:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Come meet the linguist who turned a few made-up words in George R. R. Martin’s series “A Song of Ice and Fire” into the language used in the HBO series A Game of Thrones. David J. Peterson will talk about the creation of Dothraki and his work as the alien language consultant for SyFy’s upcoming series Defiance.

David J. Peterson

Art Show Tour with Margaret Organ-Kean
Friday 5:00 PM
Art Show

Margaret Organ-Kean talks in depth about her work in the show and shares her thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist’s perspective on the Art Show! NOTE: Limited to 10 people. Sign up at the Art Show.

Margaret Organ-Kean

Ask the Gamemasters
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 7

Has your current campaign reached a dead end? Not sure how to keep your players happy? Have a problem player that you need to deal with? Want to add some house rules to your game, but unsure how to make them work? Come to this panel with questions about your RPG campaign.

Erik Scott de Bie (M), Erik Mona, John Harper, Julie Hoverson

Bribing People to Listen to Poetry
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 13

Cookies. Probably from Costco. And there will be poetry. Did I mention the cookies?

Mike Brennan (M), Ann Shilling, Camille Alexa, Erynn Rowan Laurie

Draping your Bustle – Customize Your Caboose
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 6

The bustle look is a great way to express your personality and give creative vent to your imagination to trim up and trick out in the most wildest of ways. Whether historical elegance or steampunk madness is your goal, we will show you useful tricks and ideas that will grant you success and everyone will have to shout “Baby got back!”

Carmen Beaudry (M), Anita Taylor, Bethany Roullett, Lori Edwards, Margo Loes

Esperanto: The Language of Hope… And Sci-Fi!
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 5

Ĉu vi volas paroli Esperanton? You might have heard of Esperanto reading Harry Harrison’s books, or you might have caught a few words here and there in Red Dwarf. Or maybe you have even overheard it through the loudspeaker announcements in the movie Gattaca. It’s actually real, and serving an estimated two million speakers worldwide. Designed to be a bridge language more than 150 years ago, Esperanto is easy to learn, easy to understand, and is often considered “the language of people who want to be friends.” Come pick up a few words, a few phrases, and a fascinating glimpse into a peculiar piece of history.

Edward Martin III (M), Berlynn Wohl, Rich Glover

Friday 5:00 PM
Olympic 1

Introductory participatory geekmusic–filksinging!–for kids and young adults.

Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix (M), Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix

Preparing For the Superplague
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 8

Global trade is an economic necessity nowadays, and global travel is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. When–not if–a deadly, highly contagious disease evolves, it will almost certainly become a worldwide pandemic before anyone realizes that it exists. How will we cope?

Jim Kling (M), Jason V Brock, Nancy Kress, Ro Yoon

The Marvelverse
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

What’s coming in our favorite film serials in 2013 and beyond.

Dan Murphy (M), The Reverend En Fuego, Melissa Quinn

Wonder Woman vs. Lois Lane
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 12

Did Superman and Wonder Woman just make out? What about Lois Lane? I think we know who would win if these two fought, but how do fans feel about this? Is this forever, or will Lois Lane make a comeback? What are the potential repercussions in the JLA and the DC universe?

Ashley Cook (M), Jenna M. Pitman

Your Anti-Procrastination First Aid Kit
Friday 5:00 PM
Cascade 2

Do you love to write but don’t get as much writing done as you’d like? Conquer your fears…and your rough draft.

Cat Rambo (M), Dennis R. Upkins, Ellen Forney, Marta Murvosh

Nightfall and Divity LARP
Friday 5:00 PM
Rotunda 1

Do you like live action role play? Do you still love playing vampires? Are you intrigued by the idea of playing a fallen angel? Well look no further, because this is the game for you! This reboot of a game that was wildly popular over a decade ago, is blowing up with new found fervor! Many of the old players are here and many new ones as well, but we would like to see what you can bring to the table.

Mythic Reality Player’s Association

Linda & Michael Tinker Pearce read The Shield Maiden
Friday 5:30 PM
Cascade 1

Historic fantasy in The Mongoliad‘s Foreword shared universe series. Set in Gottland in the 9th Century. A young warrior discovers she has some unusual talents. Rated PG

Linda and Michael Tinker Pearce

Charles “Zan” Christensen reads Legacy
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 1

Lovers’ souls and powers travel through the ages to rest in their newest hosts, with one big complication: they’re both men, and only one of them is gay. Rated PG

Charles “Zan” Christensen

Conversational Elvish
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 2

Learn correct grammar and pronunciation by learning short, useful phrases. Ease those lonely nights in Lothlorien with Elvish pick-up lines.

Betty Bigelow (M)

Creativity and Disabilities
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 13

Whether your problems are physical or psychological, there’s no denying that being creative and creating art is difficult to almost impossible when a disability stands in your way. Come learn how different artists and writers work with, past, or through their personal disabilities and limitations to create their art.

Lillian Cohen-Moore (M), Ellen Forney, Julie Baroh, Ryan Macklin

Cultural Imperialism in Fantasy
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 8

They say “write what you know.” Since the majority of Americans SF writers are of European descent, there’s the tendency to write Western European fantasy. But at what point in our efforts to move away from strictly western fantasy do we delve into cultural imperialism? How does that affect the fantasy we write and the fantasy we read?

Caren Gussoff (M), Mark Nelson, Sheye Anne Blaze

Economics, SF’s Weak Spot
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 7

So many SF worlds, only two main economic systems. What else might we come up with as theories of value and exchange?

Marta Murvosh (M), Jon Rogers

Masquerade Pre-Meeting
Friday 6:00 PM

To enter the masquerade you MUST attend either this meeting or the Saturday morning pre-masquerade meeting. You will receive the important information that you need to know to compete. This year, we are asking for everyone’s music by the end of this panel even if you can’t stay for the panel. If you haven’t already gotten your masquerade forms at the information table, you can get them here. Please turn in your completed entry forms by the end of this panel (or you can turn your forms in at the Saturday morning panel), but the sooner the better. The hard deadline for both is Saturday morning at 10 am. If you have questions about entering, or aren’t quite sure you want to, come to the meeting and all your questions will be answered.

Shawna Batty

Preparing for the End of Days
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 6

What, if anything, can fictional horror teach us about surviving factual traumas? Like, say, the apocalypse…

The Reverend En Fuego (M), Amber Clark, Camille Alexa

So You’ve Finished Your Novel. Now What?
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 12

Will you take the agent query route, submit to publishers, or go indie? Learn the steps of every option.

Tina Connolly (M), Ken McConnell, Kevin Scott

Wicked Awesome! Bad is Beautiful
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 5

Say what you want to about Wicked Queens and Scheming Step Mothers–these women know how to dress. The villain is always more than just an evil plan, it is evil with STYLE. We will look at recent and classic incarnations of bad guys and gals and collect fashion tips from the fascist types!

Lori Edwards (M), Carmen Beaudry, Margo Loes, Morgue Anne

Writing a Series
Friday 6:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Many of the most commercially successful speculative novels are series. Authors talk about how (and whether) they planned to write a series. How do you avoid repetition while keeping the setting and characters consistent from book to book?

Ken Scholes (M), J.A. Pitts, Diana Pharaoh Francis, Rhiannon Held

Brenda Cooper reads The Creative Fire
Friday 6:30 PM
Cascade 1

Rated G

Brenda Cooper

Jason V Brock reads a recent piece of fiction
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 1

To be determined. Rated PG

Jason V. Brock

Alternative Scene Etiquette
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 5

The etiquette for alternative culture events has become much more important in recent years. As the goth, con, and kink scenes seem to simultaneously blend and diverge, so can the rules that apply to appropriate social behaviors. Come learn from the experiences of those who’ve been there on how not to be a tourist. 18+ ONLY

Silver (M), Burton Gamble, Mickey Schulz

Blinded by Pseudoscience
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

From the patent medicines of the 18th Century to the cancer “cures” of the 21st Century, charlatans have touted panaceas guaranteed to cure all the ills of modern life or your money back…if you can find them after the sale is final. Our panelists will discuss how you can tell medical science from medical quackery, and why it matters.

Gregory Gadow (M), Janet Freeman-Daily, Ro Yoon, Dr. Ricky

Costumers’ Guild Tea & Reception
Friday 7:00 PM

Join fellow costumers for a Costumers’ Tea. Relax, chat about projects in progress or past masquerade entries. See a selection of prior Norwescon masquerade winning entries and maybe make a new sewing buddy.

Torrey Stenmark

From Oz to Alice — Costume Inspirations from the Classics
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 2

A lively discussion of the incredible adaptations of costumes inspired by books and media from the world of L. Frank Baum and Lewis Carroll.

Garth Stubbs (M), Bethany Roullett, Janet Borkowski, Julie Zetterberg

Horror TV
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 8

Is it effective? Are serialized or anthology formats better delivery methods for the genre? Will we or should we be seeing more?

Jenna M. Pitman, Lorelei Shannon, Mark Rahner

If My Car Can’t Fly, Can It At Least Drive Itself?
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 12

You may not be able to buy a car you can pilot, but soon you might be able to buy one with an autopilot. What is the next new thing about to drive itself around the corner? How will it change the way we move ourselves and our stuff?

Bart Kemper (M), Arthur Bozlee, David Shoemaker, Jon Rogers, Matthew ‘Fish’ Dockrey

Miniature Painting Workshop
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 13

See all the cool miniatures in the game and hobby stores? Want to paint up one for your D&D game or paint an entire army for miniatures gaming? Come learn the basics on how to get started painting miniatures. Paints and miniatures will be provided, but space (and resources) are limited. $5 minimum donation for supplies, or feel free to bring your own!

Bryan Syme, Sara Twitty, Lucas Johnson

SF & Fantasy Themes in Metal Music
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 7

Do you fondly remember the first time you heard Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” or Blue Oyster Cult’s “Godzilla”? Do you love GWAR just because they claim to be from outer space? Have you mocked black metal bands for their misuse of Orcish? If so, join us for a discussion of the use of science fiction and fantasy themes within the metal genre. Whether your interest in metal is recent or long-lived, occasional or die-hard, there’s something for every lover of the fantastic and loud!

Lilith von Fraumench (M), David J. Peterson, John (J.A.) Pitts, Keffy R.M. Kehrli

The Liar’s Panel
Friday 7:00 PM
Cascade 6

Writers get tired of giving writing advice, and can always draw on their talent for crafting fiction. Come to this panel to hear advice that is patently untrue. Your questions answered…hilariously.

Susan R. Matthews (M), Jean Johnson, Phoebe Kitanidis

PK Dick Ceremony & Reception
Friday 7:00 PM
Grand 2

The Philip K. Dick Award is given annually for the best original paperback novel published in the USA. Come join us for a little music, some refreshments, and the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award presentation with readings from attending nominees.

William Sadorus (M), Ryan Boudinot, Moria Crone, Nancy Kress, Andri Snaer Manason, Brian Francis Slattery

It’s The Zombie Apocalypse!
Friday 7:00 PM
Olympic 1

No, wait, it’s not — it’s just cute little Zombie felties you can stitch together from assorted felt pieces, threads, beads, and buttons. Use our precut components or get really creative and design your own. Materials provided. NOTE: Children under eight years old must be accompanied by a responsible party. Norwescon does not provide babysitting.

Kim Poua, LouAnna Valentine

Ted Butler reads Griefport
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 1

An excerpt from volume six of the Belt Republic series. Rated PG.

Ted Butler

Alternatives to Alternative Energy
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 2

The commercials on TV show that if it weren’t for EPA regulation, the coal, natural gas, and oil industries could SAVE THE WORLD.. Others are not quite so sure. Help our panelists examine what is new in old energy and how it fits into the future.

Steve Gillett (M), David Nasset, Sr., Mike Priddy, Mike Brennan, Pat MacEwen

Artist’s Jam
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 13

Everyone participates in this extravaganza. Bring your questions for the professionals and materials with which to create art on the spot. Everyone paints, draws, sketches, and blabs about art.

Cymbric Early-Smith (M), Amber Clark, Bryan Syme, Heather Hudson, Russell D. Campbell, Wednesday Wolf, Lucas Johnson

Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 8

(Or, how to stop yourself before you write another 50 Shades of Grey.) When it comes to fanfiction, and real fiction, it’s extremely important to get your facts right, especially when you’re going to be exploring BDSM scenarios with readers who might think to themselves, “That sounds hot. I’m gonna try it!” Come and learn about some of the worst mistakes in fictional representations of BDSM and come with questions on how it really all works and what resources are available to help you write good BDSM. 18+ ONLY

Keerawa (M), Jean Johnson, Lilith von Fraumench

Bullies Still Suck: Why We Don’t Just Get Over It
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 5

Geeks have a high likelihood of having been bullied in their lives, and people who tell us to just get over it don’t seem to understand what exactly they’re asking us to “get over.” A lot of the time bullying isolates us, and makes us feel alone. You’re not alone. Come to talk about strategies for moving past the pain that have worked for others, or just share the burden.

Mickey Schulz (M), Maida ‘Mac’ Cain, PZ Myers

Crowning Glory — Fabulous Headdresses
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 6

Complete your costume in a spectacular way with a jaw dropping headdress that will draw the oohs and aahs of everyone who sees you in it. Our panelists show you their favorite products and techniques to help you create amazing, one of a kind crowns and hats.

Ieva Ohaks (M), Deborah Strub, Julie Zetterberg

Dr. Kindle-love or How I Learned to Relax and Love Ebooks…
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Do you love e-books or hate them? Are you a paper-sniffer to the end? What changes do you predict (or wish for) in print and digital books?

Bob Kruger (M), Frances Pauli, Kurt Cagle, Tod McCoy

“Hello, the Future! In Concert”
Friday 8:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

Join Nicole’s Team Awesome on the side of SCIENCE! and music. If life is role-playing, she’s singing cheat codes.

Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!)

Humanizing Our Monsters
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 7

Vampires, werewolves, zombies and even wendigos. What compells us to make manifestions of our fear sympathetic?

Lorelei Shannon (M), Morgue Anne

Queers in Gaming
Friday 8:00 PM
Cascade 12

Anti-gay harassment and stereotypes are an unfortunate reality in gaming communities and the games we play. Is it the game companies’ responsibility to monitor behavior, or should gamers police themselves? How can game designers and players create a safe environment for everyone at the table or online? How can game designers support equality through the games they create?

Charles “Zan” Christensen (M), Angel Leigh McCoy, Clinton J. Boomer, Erik Scott de Bie, Gwen Yeh

Chelsea M. Campbell reads The Rise of Renegade X
Friday 8:30 PM
Cascade 1

The son of the world’s most feared supervillain discovers he’s… shudder… also the son of the world’s most beloved superhero. Rated PG

Chelsea M. Campbell

Julie Hoverson reads Fatal Girl, Season 2
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 1

A few scenes from what’s coming in Season 2 of the audio drama Fatal Girl. Though the series is sometimes rated R, this reading rated PG

Julie Hoverson

A Print By Any Other Name…
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 13

So you’ve finished your piece of art and now you want to make prints so you can sell it to as many people as possible. What is the best way to go about doing this? What the heck is a giclee print anyways? Learn about all your different printing options and where to go for them. Do you really need to spend a lot of money for a high quality print or is there a less expensive but still acceptable middle ground?

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), Margaret Organ-Kean, Wednesday Wolf

Flirting 101
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Whether you’re married, available, gay, straight, queer (or all that and more), this workshop is for you. We’ll explore the rules of social engagement between sentient beings and how to break them–the rules, not the sentients. Starting with the terror of “hello,” we’ll dive into taking risks, making mistakes, rejection, and how these are stepping stones to success.

Sonia Orin Lyris

Gaming & Community
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 12

Game communities have grown beyond small game clubs, web forums and IRC as social networking has integrated with game companies and created even more game communities. Our panelists will discuss social networking and creating a positive community via chat tools, web forums, Twitter, Facebook, and third-party news or blogs.

Bob Kruger (M), Erik Mona, Ryan Macklin

Intersectionality 101
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 2

What is Intersectionality? Why is it so important in the struggle for social justice? Our panel gives a brief history of social justice movements and how they are (or should be) linked together in the struggle for equality for all.

Lilith von Fraumench (M), Amber Clark, Gwen Yeh

It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 5

A runaway greenhouse effect? An all-out nuclear exchange? A meteor impact like the one that killed the dinosaurs? We cannot save the world without anticipating how it may need saving. Join our panelists as they share their favorite doomsday scenarios.

Gregory Gadow (M), Peter Blanton, PZ Myers, Russell D. Campbell, Dr. Ricky

Leannan Sidhe in Concert
Friday 9:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

Bittersweet Fairytale folk music, performing songs from their second CD, out just in time for Norwescon!

Alexander James Adams, Betsy Tinney, Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Leannan Sidhe, Sunnie Larsen

Mining the Sky
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 7

Commercial firms have already started exploring near earth asteroids for their potential mineral wealth. But is this really a practical idea? Would dumping billions to trillions of dollars of mineral wealth on the economy cause horrific disruptions, or does it usher in an era of cheap abundance for all?

G. David Nordley (M), Alan Boyle, Arthur Bozlee, Steve Gillett

The Weirdest Things I Have Had to Build
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 6

As costume designers we are constantly challenged to create costumes and props of the most absurd kind. Our intrepid panelists share with you some of their biggest challenges and how they overcame those obstacles. Bring your stupefying problems with you!

Carmen Beaudry, Deborah Strub, Garth Stubbs, SunnyJim Morgan, Julie Zetterberg

Writing Sex: The Elements of Slash
Friday 9:00 PM
Cascade 8

Most of us have read slash and loved it, but how exactly does it work? What are the nuts and bolts of writing a good sex scene? This panel will examine a few pieces to see how writers create their effects, with an eye toward some of the basic questions: how explicit should you be? What does “explicit” mean, anyway? Is it about how much metaphor you use? How many body parts you describe and how? Several writers will talk about their processes and take questions from the audience about how to go about this scariest of writing tasks. 18+ONLY

Berlynn Wohl (M), Keerawa, Jean Johnson

Fannish Fetish Fashion Show
Friday 9:00 PM
Grand 2&3

The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show has always been an event not to be missed and this year is no exception. A host of well-established local designers will be showing off their latest fetish creations centered around the theme “Rule the World”. We will also be bringing up the best dressed audience members to be admired by others and even win some prizes. The fun will begin at 9 PM on Friday in the Grand Ballrooms 2 and 3. (18+ with ID)

Under-21 Dance
Friday 9:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Are you banned from “adult-only” spaces? Come to the Under 21 Dance and get your groove on! Our fabulous DJ will be spinning the hits, so come and get down with us! All ages are welcome!

DJ Stratacaster

Post-Mayan Apocalypse Toga Party (21+)
Friday 9:00 PM
Maxi’s Lounge

DJ Dancin’ Dan will kick off the Post-Mayan Apocalypse Toga Party in Maxi’s. The models and designers will be in Maxi’s after the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show to answer your fetish-wear questions and give you an up-close-and-personal look at their fabulous designs. (Event continues at 11pm as FFFS Takeover of Maxi’s) 21+ WITH ID AND CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP

Dan Murphy

Lucas Johnson reads I Love You. I Love You. I Love You
Friday 9:30 PM
Cascade 1

Infatuation leads to an awesome encounter. Rated R

Lucas Johnson

Stitch & Bitch
Friday 9:30 PM
Olympic 1

Come ye knitters, ye sewers, ye Dr. Who scarfers and enjoy working amongst your fellow fen on your project du jour. Newcomers who are interested in seeing textile artists in action are welcome to come, hang out, and ask questions.

Clinton J. Boomer reads Welcome to Bad-Burn City
Friday 10:00 PM
Cascade 1

A wild and wooly, 80s-action-themed cyberpunk survival-horror romp featuring cannibal mutants and pleny of cursing, nudity, and violence. Rated R

Clinton J. Boomer

BDSM 101
Friday 10:00 PM
Cascade 3&4

Interested in BDSM? Want to find out what it’s all about? What are these limits, boundaries, and play people keep talking about? We will endeavor to answer your questions–or if we can’t, we’ll point you to a resource that can. We will also discuss BDSM etiquette and resources for you to find out more. 18+ ONLY

Silver (M), Mickey Schulz, Ogre Whiteside, Morgue Anne

Friends of Bill W.
Friday 10:00 PM
Cascade 2
Future Management
Friday 10:00 PM
Cascade 6

Science fiction has its ideological roots in technocracy and the belief that you could manage a better society. But lately, SF seems to have lost much of this feeling, giving us darker and darker futures. Is hope still a feasible story-line, or is it a non-starter in SF? Are we doomed to dystopian futures in SF, or is it just a phase? And if it is, how can we get back on our traditional track (and do we even want to?)

Gregory A. Wilson (A), Keffy R.M. Kehrli

Starlight in Concert
Friday 10:00 PM
Evergreen 1&2

Friday Filkfest concludes with the return of large-band filkers Starlight, for the first Norwescon show of their new lineup.

Alisa Gray, John R. Gray III, Nick Hagen, Rich Glover, Stephanie L. Weippert

Uncensored Scheduled Gaming
Friday 10:00 PM
Cascade 9&10

Want to enjoy a friendly game without the need to censor yourself because of the children around? Scheduled Gaming put aside special hours just for you then! We have set aside the nightly hours for playing without worrying about the younger folks learning our friendly gaming skills. Players are required to be 18+ and may be carded.

Bryan Wood

FFFS Takeover of Maxi’s Ballroom & Lounge
Friday 10:30 PM
Maxi’s Ballroom & Lounge

Come up to Maxi’s Ballroom & Lounge to meet and mingle with the designers and models of the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show while the director of the show, Modular Diva, plays some music to put you in the mood to party like it’s the new Apocalypse! 21+ WITH ID AND CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP

Modular Diva

Friday Night Dance
Friday 11:00 PM
Grand 2&3

The Mayans predicted that civilization would end in 2012. It did. But mankind survived. Now we celebrate the rise of a new empire the only way we should. TO-GA! TO-GA! TO-GA! Your exalted Emperor & DJ, Gludius Maximus, and his muse-ical Empress Aspartyme welcome all citizens of New Rome to a retro dance & karaoke party celebration. Requests will be taken. Songs will be sung. Eat! Drink! Be merry at Gludius Maxi’s!

Dan Murphy

Friday Night Bardic Filk
Friday 11:00 PM
Evergreen 3&4

Everyone bring an instrument or just your voice! We’ll go ’round the circle, bardic-style, screeching newcomers in until people get tired of that, then it’ll be time for chaos filk. Come play and play-along to the most supportive musical peer group you’ll ever find, or just come out to listen.

Midnight Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Friday 11:59 PM
Evergreen 1&2

Once again we are pleased to bring you The Rocky Horror Picture Show with the fabulous Vicarious Theatre Company! Come and join us for an interactive experience you won’t soon forget!

Vicarious Theatre Company