
November ConCom Meeting

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? Norwescon is always looking for volunteers, and our monthly Convention Committee planning meetings are a great way to get involved! Come pull back the curtain, meet the masterminds behind the event, and find out where your particular talents can be put to use!

November’s Norwescon 35 planning meeting will be held:


R.S.V.P. on FacebookSaturday, November 5th, 2011


10:00 a.m.–12:00 noon: Executive Team Meeting
12:00 noon–1:00 p.m.: Lunch break
1:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.: Convention Committee (ConCom) Meeting


Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 Pacific Highway South
SeaTac, WA 98188

For directions and a map, please see the hotel’s website.

NOTE: There is a discounted charge of $8.00 for parking.

Please consult the hotel readerboard when you arrive for the location of the meeting room.


  • December meeting: 12/10/2011
  • January meeting: 1/7/2012
  • February meeting: 2/18/2012
  • March meeting: 3/17/2012
  • Norwescon 35: 4/5-8/2012
  • Post Con Meeting: 5/12/2012

2011 Best of Western Washington

Thanks to your support and votes, Norwescon has been voted #11 in the Best Local Event category of the 2011 Best of Western Washington competition.

Art Show and Lobby Tables Info and Con Hours Posted

Three more updates landed over this past weekend.

First, for the artists: Information for the Art Show is now available, including registration forms.

Second, for clubs and organizations: Information and registration for lobby tables is live.

And finally, for everyone: Convention hours!

As always, more to come!

Masquerade Info Posted

Costumers — have you been considering your costumes for the Norwescon 35 Saturday Night Masquerade? You’ll be pleased to know that we have just posted this year’s rules, information, and entry forms for the big Saturday night event, including the Children’s Masquerade!

Writers’ Workshop and Dealers’ Room Info Posted

Over the weekend, two new pages went live!

Writer’s Workshop: The Fairwood Writers are pleased to sponsor the writing workshop for Norwescon 35. We accept both short stories and novel excerpts to be critiqued by professional writers. More information and submission instructions are now available!

Dealers’ Room: Home to all the finest sci-fi and fantasy merchandise every year! Guidelines and application info for prospective dealers are also now available!

We also recently added a signup form for GMs who would like to run games during our scheduled gaming hours. If you’d like to run a game or three, head on over to the Gaming page for more information and a link to the signup form!

Much more to come, we promise!