NWC44 T-Shirts and Merchandise

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 44

Over the course of the past two years, our long-time t-shirt vendor and friends of the convention at OffWorld Designs decided it was time to retire. While we wholeheartedly wish them the best, that left us without a t-shirt vendor for Norwescon 44, and with the many things that needed to be done to return to an in-person convention, finding a new shirt vendor fell by the wayside.

However, better late than never — and we have worked with this year’s Artist Guest of Honor Rob Carlos to produce our Norwescon 44 t-shirt! Many thanks go out to Rob for his assistance in designing the shirt and setting up the storefront. In addition, his design for this year can also be found on a number of other items.

While we didn’t get this out in time to see the shirts around the hotel this year, we hope you’ll all pick up a Norwescon 44 t-shirt (or mug, or bag, or thermos, or…) for your collection anyway.