September ConCom Recap

Norwescon PublicationsBlog, Norwescon 44, Publications

The first ConCom meeting is done, and was done virtually. Not as much fun as if it had been in-person, but the parking was much easier (and free!).

Will the next convention be in person? Plans for Norwescon 44 maintain a great deal of flexibility. The plan is to assemble in the real world next April. But as the world still hasn’t decided if it will be post-apocalyptic or currently-apocalyptic, there is a chance the Con will be virtual. The decision whether to pivot to virtual will be made in early January 2022.

What about funds? The last couple of years have been money-losers for Norwescon. This means making some changes to more efficiently use our resources, most of which will be invisible to members. Other changes are being considered, as always, to make the convention better. One that will be very obvious if implemented is layout: several departments are considering major changes in what-goes-where, in order to better use our space. If you have ideas, and would like to help, contact

Programming deadlines. It’s still Fall, but we are fast approaching the deadline for panel suggestions. If you have an idea for a panel, visit our Panel Suggestion page.

Relaxacon in January! To help tide us over, Norwescon will be holding a virtual event called Waypoint Norwescon in January. This will consist of two days on Airmeet, the virtual platform used for Norwescon 43, including a full day of new, live content, and one day to showcase replays of some Norwescon 43 highlights. This will be a relaxed event, with the virtual lounge open for socializing and games. Expect more details to follow.

Recap by Mike Brennan