News from Norwescon June 2021

Norwescon WebsiteBlog, Volunteers

It’s a Wrap!

This year marked a new milestone for Norwescon—our first, and hopefully last, virtual convention. Thank you to all who attended for sticking with us. Thanks also to the behind the scenes staff and volunteers who worked even harder than usual this year to get our digital convention up and running. We hope to see you in person next spring! But until then….

Volunteer Picnic

The Volunteer Picnic is not just for convention volunteers—it is for future volunteers too! Come have a burger on us in the open air with other Norwescon folks, starting at 11 a.m. on Sunday, August 29, at Steel Lake Park in Federal Way. Burgers, dogs, fixings, and beverages provided; please bring a side or dessert to share. We have the picnic shelter all day, but expect lunch to happen around noon. There will be book giveaways for everyone who didn’t participate before the convention!

Dune in June

The Norwescon Book Club is reading Frank Herbert’s 1965 classic Dune in June. You can join them online at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 21. We will be meeting up the following weekend at 11:30 a.m. for a picnic at Dune Peninsula in Tacoma (reading not required!). For more information, join the Facebook group (under Norwescon’s Bibliophiles) or email

Norwescon Camping Trip

The Norwescon Camping Trip is back! Join us for a weekend in the woods. We’ve got a group camp site at Pearrygin Lake State Park, outside of Winthrop, for the weekend of August 20–22. To RSVP, or to just ask questions, email SunnyJim at