News from Norwescon 43: Mar 1 2021

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Make sure your email address is correct!

To attend our virtual convention in Airmeet, members will log in using the email address you registered with. We need to have your correct email address to sign you up in Airmeet! If you are unsure which address we have on file for you, or would like to change the email address on file, please log in to our registration kiosk and check.

Further, each member will need a unique email address. We know that some of you, especially those with kids, have all of your household’s Norwescon-related emails come to one address. If this is the case, please contact registration for assistance – someone there can help.

Book Club!

Our next Book Club meeting is March 7, at 4pm. Zoom details will be listed in the Norwescon’s Bibliophiles group page on Facebook.

This month, we’re reading Book of Koli, and new members are always welcome!

Guest of Honor Tea

You can still get tickets to our Guest of Honor Tea!

The Guest of Honor Tea Party will provide a great way to spend time with our honored guests in an intimate setting. In addition to the opportunity to hang out with our GoHs, each attendee will have a special package shipped to them containing hand-selected teas, a commemorative Norwescon mug, and a delicious baked good from a local pastry chef. This event is open to all Norwescon members. Tickets are available now for only $35 through the convention registration kiosk.

Our tea is coming from Orange Street Storehouse, an online artisan and gourmet specialty shop owned and operated by husband and wife team Andre and Michelle Capers, located just minutes from metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. They are known for its great gourmet coffee and specialty loose leaf teas. Their gourmet coffees are made from 100% Arabica beans imported from plantations located all over the world, all grown using environmentally friendly practices.

The event will start with tea instruction with certified tea specialist Roberta Fuhr, owner of Experience Tea Studio in Issaquah, Washington. The session will cover the botany, science, history, culture, health implications, and magic of tea. Next, our Guests of Honor will be introduced, and members will be able to have conversations with each guest in a small group setting.

Sci-Fi Fantasy Variety Show

Norwescon has gone digital and your performers are still out here creating acts on video! Sparkle and Doom Productions presents an evening of science fiction and fantasy themed acts. The show will be followed by a discussion about the showcase and creating your very own act, digital or on stage!

Performances created by:
Mercury Divine
Savannah Demers
Emery StoneD
Michelle Poston
Tiphany Starr
Allen Ryde

This show is ALL Ages! Looking forward to seeing your lovely faces on the computer screen!

Scheduled Games Update

Coming soon to the Norwescon Games page: sign up and and pre register for your favorite games to play during the convention.

Norwescon is very excited to offer a wonderful selection of games at this year’s convention:

Norwescon’s New Antiracism Statement, Code of Conduct, and Harassment Policy

We announced this in our last newsletter, but think it bears repeating:

At Norwescon we believe in periodically reexamining policies which are important to the convention. This year’s executive team appointed a committee to review Norwescon’s harassment policy, adopted in 2013. After several months engaged in meetings and sensitivity review, we are pleased to announce the new policy in advance of our virtual convention.

The policy has expanded to include an antiracism statement, code of conduct, and harassment policy. The committee’s work also included amending the convention’s mission statement to be congruent with the new policies. Norwescon is excited to more explicitly recognize the role it plays in uplifting marginalized voices in our community and to declare that we are an antiracist organization.

You may view the new policy here.

If you have questions or feedback for us, please write to the revision committee at