Norwescon Summer Events Canceled

Norwescon WebsiteBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 43

In the interest of the safety and health of our members, and due to the ongoing social distancing requirements and restrictions on gatherings, our summer events have been canceled. This includes the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, scheduled for July 11, and the camping trip, planned for this August. While we had hoped that we might be able to proceed with one or both of these events in some fashion, it is simply not feasible or safe to proceed with these plans at this time.

We will continue to monitor the situation, and are discussing possible options and ideas to be pursued once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to gather together in person again.

In the meantime, our best wishes for the safety of all of you and your families and friends, and we encourage you to continue wearing masks when out and about so that we can see you all in person again as soon as possible!